In cyber physical systems, cybersecurity and data privacy are among most critical considerations when dealing with communications, processing, and storage of data. Geospatial data and medical data are examples of big data that require seamless integration with computational algorithms as outlined in Industry 4.0 towards adoption of fourth industrial revolution. Healthcare Industry 4.0 is an application of the design principles of Industry 4.0 to the medical domain. Mobile applications are now widely used to accomplish important business functions in almost all industries. These mobile devices, however, are resource poor and proved insufficient for many important medical applications. Resource rich cloud services are used to augment poor mobile device resources for data and compute intensive applications in the mobile cloud computing paradigm. However, the performance of cloud services is undesirable for data-intensive, latency-sensitive mobile applications due increased hop count between the mobile device and the cloud server. Cloudlets are virtual machines hosted in server placed nearby the mobile device and offer an attractive alternative to the mobile cloud computing in the form of mobile edge computing. This paper outlines cybersecurity and data privacy aspects for communications of measured patient data from wearable wireless biosensors to nearby cloudlet host server in order to facilitate the cloudlet based preliminary and essential complex analytics for the medical big data.
The technology made it easier to design the sensors of small size such that human can easily wear/implant them on his body and free to do his regular activities without any interruption. These tiny sensors can monitor, track and record the physical and environmental changes occurred in the surrounding. It is preferred to deploy the sensors where the regular continuous interference of human is very difficult. For a quality life, healthcare is the main concern today. Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN) can play an important role in improving the quality of life. The main contribution of this paper is to review the trust-aware routing protocols which are able to detect the malicious nodes during communication by using node's trust factor as important metric to make the node to node communication secure. In this paper, we also present an overview of the WAN, its architecture, communication technologies used, various routing parameters, applications, security issues, and challenges. We further give a brief discussion about the flaws in the existing trust-aware routing protocols of WBAN.