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Oliver, J., Ali, M., Hagen, J..  2020.  HAC-T and Fast Search for Similarity in Security. 2020 International Conference on Omni-layer Intelligent Systems (COINS). :1–7.
Similarity digests have gained popularity for many security applications like blacklisting/whitelisting, and finding similar variants of malware. TLSH has been shown to be particularly good at hunting similar malware, and is resistant to evasion as compared to other similarity digests like ssdeep and sdhash. Searching and clustering are fundamental tools which help the security analysts and security operations center (SOC) operators in hunting and analyzing malware. Current approaches which aim to cluster malware are not scalable enough to keep up with the vast amount of malware and goodware available in the wild. In this paper, we present techniques which allow for fast search and clustering of TLSH hash digests which can aid analysts to inspect large amounts of malware/goodware. Our approach builds on fast nearest neighbor search techniques to build a tree-based index which performs fast search based on TLSH hash digests. The tree-based index is used in our threshold based Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC-T) algorithm which is able to cluster digests in a scalable manner. Our clustering technique can cluster digests in O (n logn) time on average. We performed an empirical evaluation by comparing our approach with many standard and recent clustering techniques. We demonstrate that our approach is much more scalable and still is able to produce good cluster quality. We measured cluster quality using purity on 10 million samples obtained from VirusTotal. We obtained a high purity score in the range from 0.97 to 0.98 using labels from five major anti-virus vendors (Kaspersky, Microsoft, Symantec, Sophos, and McAfee) which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Naik, N., Jenkins, P., Savage, N., Yang, L., Naik, K., Song, J..  2020.  Embedding Fuzzy Rules with YARA Rules for Performance Optimisation of Malware Analysis. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE). :1–7.
YARA rules utilises string or pattern matching to perform malware analysis and is one of the most effective methods in use today. However, its effectiveness is dependent on the quality and quantity of YARA rules employed in the analysis. This can be managed through the rule optimisation process, although, this may not necessarily guarantee effective utilisation of YARA rules and its generated findings during its execution phase, as the main focus of YARA rules is in determining whether to trigger a rule or not, for a suspect sample after examining its rule condition. YARA rule conditions are Boolean expressions, mostly focused on the binary outcome of the malware analysis, which may limit the optimised use of YARA rules and its findings despite generating significant information during the execution phase. Therefore, this paper proposes embedding fuzzy rules with YARA rules to optimise its performance during the execution phase. Fuzzy rules can manage imprecise and incomplete data and encompass a broad range of conditions, which may not be possible in Boolean logic. This embedding may be more advantageous when the YARA rules become more complex, resulting in multiple complex conditions, which may not be processed efficiently utilising Boolean expressions alone, thus compromising effective decision-making. This proposed embedded approach is applied on a collected malware corpus and is tested against the standard and enhanced YARA rules to demonstrate its success.
Naik, N., Jenkins, P., Savage, N., Yang, L., Boongoen, T., Iam-On, N..  2020.  Fuzzy-Import Hashing: A Malware Analysis Approach. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE). :1–8.
Malware has remained a consistent threat since its emergence, growing into a plethora of types and in large numbers. In recent years, numerous new malware variants have enabled the identification of new attack surfaces and vectors, and have become a major challenge to security experts, driving the enhancement and development of new malware analysis techniques to contain the contagion. One of the preliminary steps of malware analysis is to remove the abundance of counterfeit malware samples from the large collection of suspicious samples. This process assists in the management of man and machine resources effectively in the analysis of both unknown and likely malware samples. Hashing techniques are one of the fastest and efficient techniques for performing this preliminary analysis such as fuzzy hashing and import hashing. However, both hashing methods have their limitations and they may not be effective on their own, instead the combination of two distinctive methods may assist in improving the detection accuracy and overall performance of the analysis. This paper proposes a Fuzzy-Import hashing technique which is the combination of fuzzy hashing and import hashing to improve the detection accuracy and overall performance of malware analysis. This proposed Fuzzy-Import hashing offers several benefits which are demonstrated through the experimentation performed on the collected malware samples and compared against stand-alone techniques of fuzzy hashing and import hashing.
Naik, Nitin, Jenkins, Paul, Savage, Nick.  2019.  A Ransomware Detection Method Using Fuzzy Hashing for Mitigating the Risk of Occlusion of Information Systems. 2019 International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE). :1–6.
Today, a significant threat to organisational information systems is ransomware that can completely occlude the information system by denying access to its data. To reduce this exposure and damage from ransomware attacks, organisations are obliged to concentrate explicitly on the threat of ransomware, alongside their malware prevention strategy. In attempting to prevent the escalation of ransomware attacks, it is important to account for their polymorphic behaviour and dispersion of inexhaustible versions. However, a number of ransomware samples possess similarity as they are created by similar groups of threat actors. A particular threat actor or group often adopts similar practices or codebase to create unlimited versions of their ransomware. As a result of these common traits and codebase, it is probable that new or unknown ransomware variants can be detected based on a comparison with their originating or existing samples. Therefore, this paper presents a detection method for ransomware by employing a similarity preserving hashing method called fuzzy hashing. This detection method is applied on the collected WannaCry or WannaCryptor ransomware corpus utilising three fuzzy hashing methods SSDEEP, SDHASH and mvHASH-B to evaluate the similarity detection success rate by each method. Moreover, their fuzzy similarity scores are utilised to cluster the collected ransomware corpus and its results are compared to determine the relative accuracy of the selected fuzzy hashing methods.
Naik, Nitin, Jenkins, Paul, Gillett, Jonathan, Mouratidis, Haralambos, Naik, Kshirasagar, Song, Jingping.  2019.  Lockout-Tagout Ransomware: A Detection Method for Ransomware using Fuzzy Hashing and Clustering. 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). :641–648.

Ransomware attacks are a prevalent cybersecurity threat to every user and enterprise today. This is attributed to their polymorphic behaviour and dispersion of inexhaustible versions due to the same ransomware family or threat actor. A certain ransomware family or threat actor repeatedly utilises nearly the same style or codebase to create a vast number of ransomware versions. Therefore, it is essential for users and enterprises to keep well-informed about this threat landscape and adopt proactive prevention strategies to minimise its spread and affects. This requires a technique to detect ransomware samples to determine the similarity and link with the known ransomware family or threat actor. Therefore, this paper presents a detection method for ransomware by employing a combination of a similarity preserving hashing method called fuzzy hashing and a clustering method. This detection method is applied on the collected WannaCry/WannaCryptor ransomware samples utilising a range of fuzzy hashing and clustering methods. The clustering results of various clustering methods are evaluated through the use of the internal evaluation indexes to determine the accuracy and consistency of their clustering results, thus the effective combination of fuzzy hashing and clustering method as applied to the particular ransomware corpus. The proposed detection method is a static analysis method, which requires fewer computational overheads and performs rapid comparative analysis with respect to other static analysis methods.

Naik, Nitin, Jenkins, Paul, Savage, Nick, Yang, Longzhi.  2019.  Cyberthreat Hunting - Part 1: Triaging Ransomware using Fuzzy Hashing, Import Hashing and YARA Rules. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE). :1–6.

Ransomware is currently one of the most significant cyberthreats to both national infrastructure and the individual, often requiring severe treatment as an antidote. Triaging ran-somware based on its similarity with well-known ransomware samples is an imperative preliminary step in preventing a ransomware pandemic. Selecting the most appropriate triaging method can improve the precision of further static and dynamic analysis in addition to saving significant t ime a nd e ffort. Currently, the most popular and proven triaging methods are fuzzy hashing, import hashing and YARA rules, which can ascertain whether, or to what degree, two ransomware samples are similar to each other. However, the mechanisms of these three methods are quite different and their comparative assessment is difficult. Therefore, this paper presents an evaluation of these three methods for triaging the four most pertinent ransomware categories WannaCry, Locky, Cerber and CryptoWall. It evaluates their triaging performance and run-time system performance, highlighting the limitations of each method.

Naik, Nitin, Jenkins, Paul, Savage, Nick, Yang, Longzhi.  2019.  Cyberthreat Hunting - Part 2: Tracking Ransomware Threat Actors Using Fuzzy Hashing and Fuzzy C-Means Clustering. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE). :1–6.

Threat actors are constantly seeking new attack surfaces, with ransomeware being one the most successful attack vectors that have been used for financial gain. This has been achieved through the dispersion of unlimited polymorphic samples of ransomware whilst those responsible evade detection and hide their identity. Nonetheless, every ransomware threat actor adopts some similar style or uses some common patterns in their malicious code writing, which can be significant evidence contributing to their identification. he first step in attempting to identify the source of the attack is to cluster a large number of ransomware samples based on very little or no information about the samples, accordingly, their traits and signatures can be analysed and identified. T herefore, this paper proposes an efficient fuzzy analysis approach to cluster ransomware samples based on the combination of two fuzzy techniques fuzzy hashing and fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering. Unlike other clustering techniques, FCM can directly utilise similarity scores generated by a fuzzy hashing method and cluster them into similar groups without requiring additional transformational steps to obtain distance among objects for clustering. Thus, it reduces the computational overheads by utilising fuzzy similarity scores obtained at the time of initial triaging of whether the sample is known or unknown ransomware. The performance of the proposed fuzzy method is compared against k-means clustering and the two fuzzy hashing methods SSDEEP and SDHASH which are evaluated based on their FCM clustering results to understand how the similarity score affects the clustering results.