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Livshitz, Ilva I., Lontsikh, Pawel A., Lontsiklr, Natalia P., Karascv, Sergey, Golovina, Elena.  2019.  The Actual Problems of IT-Security Process Assurance. 2019 International Conference "Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies" (IT QM IS). :140–144.

The article deals with the aspects of IT-security of business processes, using a variety of methodological tools, including Integrated Management Systems. Currently, all IMS consist of at least 2 management systems, including the IT-Security Management System. Typically, these IMS cover biggest part of the company business processes, but in practice, there are examples of different scales, even within a single facility. However, it should be recognized that the total number of such projects both in the Russian Federation and in the World is small. The security of business processes will be considered on the example of the incident of Norsk Hydro. In the article the main conclusions are given to confirm the possibility of security, continuity and recovery of critical business processes on the example of this incident.