The popularity and demand of home automation has increased exponentially in recent years because of the ease it provides. Recently, development has been done in this domain and few systems have been proposed that either use voice assistants or application for controlling the electrical appliances. However; less emphasis is laid on power efficiency and this system cannot be integrated with the existing appliances and hence, the entire system needs to be upgraded adding to a lot of additional cost in purchasing new appliances. In this research, the objective is to design such a system that emphasises on power efficiency as well as can be integrated with the already existing appliances. NodeMCU, along with Raspberry Pi, Firebase realtime database, is used to create a system that accomplishes such endeavours and can control relays, which can control these appliances without the need of replacing them. The experiments in this paper demonstrate triggering of electrical appliances using voice assistant, fire alarm on the basis of flame sensor and temperature sensor. Moreover; use of android application was presented for operating electrical appliances from a remote location. Lastly, the system can be modified by adding security cameras, smart blinds, robot vacuums etc.
Android Applications have become an integral fraction of entwined contemporary subsistence. The entire sphere is employing diverse assortment of applications for distinguished intention. Among all the flamboyant assortment of applications, some applications have engrossed apiece individual and are unanimously accepted. With apiece fleeting instant, numerous applications are emerging in the market and are contending amid the contemporary applications in use. The proposed work is a pioneering approach to develop an application for message transference in a cosseted manner. The eminence of the work lies in ensuring that the messages send are in a coded structure, more precisely in encrypted form, formulated from the proposed Cryptographic modus operandi. The focal intention of the proposed work is to augment the status of safekeeping in data transference. The work is a multidisciplinary work and includes Biological principles in devising the Cryptographic modus operandi. Hormonal system is one of the most decisive fractions of human well-being and fundamental structure. There are numerous hormones meant for diverse purposes in human anatomy, more precisely, they are exclusively distinct for male and female. Although, the numeral quotient of hormones is colossal, but in the work, preferred male and female hormones have been employed. The hormones employed, their operational cycle and their way of illustration in the proposed work opens a unique mode to encrypt data and augment the safekeeping echelon. The augmented safekeeping could unearth its employment in numerous modes and in countless places, not only for personal purposes but could also be employed for organizational purpose. The Android Application for the said Cryptographic modus operandi is an initiative for safekeeping of apiece individual employing the Application as well as a universal mold for societal impact on the whole.
For mobile phone users, short message service (SMS) is the most commonly used text-based communication type on mobile devices. Users can interact with other users and services via SMS. For example, users can send private messages, use information services, apply for a job advertisement, conduct bank transactions, and so on. Users should be very careful when using SMS. During the sending of SMS, the message content should be aware that it can be captured and act accordingly. Based on these findings, the elderly, called as “Silent Generation” which represents 70 years or older adults, are text messaging much more than they did in the past. Therefore, they need solutions which are both simple and secure enough if there is a need to send sensitive information via SMS. In this study, we propose and develop an android application to secure text messages. The application has a simple and easy-to-use graphical user interface but provides significant security.
Android applications pose security and privacy risks for end-users. These risks are often quantified by performing dynamic analysis and permission analysis of the Android applications after release. Prediction of security and privacy risks associated with Android applications at early stages of application development, e.g. when the developer (s) are writing the code of the application, might help Android application developers in releasing applications to end-users that have less security and privacy risk. The goal of this paper is to aid Android application developers in assessing the security and privacy risk associated with Android applications by using static code metrics as predictors. In our paper, we consider security and privacy risk of Android application as how susceptible the application is to leaking private information of end-users and to releasing vulnerabilities. We investigate how effectively static code metrics that are extracted from the source code of Android applications, can be used to predict security and privacy risk of Android applications. We collected 21 static code metrics of 1,407 Android applications, and use the collected static code metrics to predict security and privacy risk of the applications. As the oracle of security and privacy risk, we used Androrisk, a tool that quantifies the amount of security and privacy risk of an Android application using analysis of Android permissions and dynamic analysis. To accomplish our goal, we used statistical learners such as, radial-based support vector machine (r-SVM). For r-SVM, we observe a precision of 0.83. Findings from our paper suggest that with proper selection of static code metrics, r-SVM can be used effectively to predict security and privacy risk of Android applications.
Automation systems are gaining popularity around the world. The use of these powerful technologies for home security has been proposed and some systems have been developed. Other implementations see the user taking a central role in providing and receiving updates to the system. We propose a system making use of an Android based smartphone as the user control point. Our Android application allows for dual factor (facial and secret pin) based authentication in order to protect the privacy of the user. The system successfully implements facial recognition on the limited resources of a smartphone by making use of the Eigenfaces algorithm. The system we created was designed for home automation but makes use of technologies that allow it to be applied within any environment. This opens the possibility for more research into dual factor authentication and the architecture of our system provides a blue print for the implementation of home based automation systems. This system with minimal modifications can be applied within an industrial application.
Cryptographic misuse affects a sizeable portion of Android applications. However, there is only an empirical study that has been made about this problem. In this paper, we perform a systematic analysis on the cryptographic misuse, build the cryptographic misuse vulnerability model and implement a prototype tool Crypto Misuse Analyser (CMA). The CMA can perform static analysis on Android apps and select the branches that invoke the cryptographic API. Then it runs the app following the target branch and records the cryptographic API calls. At last, the CMA identifies the cryptographic API misuse vulnerabilities from the records based on the pre-defined model. We also analyze dozens of Android apps with the help of CMA and find that more than a half of apps are affected by such vulnerabilities.
As the ubiquity of smartphones increases we see an increase in the popularity of location based services. Specifically, online social networks provide services such as alerting the user of friend co-location, and finding a user's k nearest neighbors. Location information is sensitive, which makes privacy a strong concern for location based systems like these. We have built one such service that allows two parties to share location information privately and securely. Our system allows every user to maintain and enforce their own policy. When one party, (Alice), queries the location of another party, (Bob), our system uses homomorphic encryption to test if Alice is within Bob's policy. If she is, Bob's location is shared with Alice only. If she is not, no user location information is shared with anyone. Due to the importance and sensitivity of location information, and the easily deployable design of our system, we offer a useful, practical, and important system to users. Our main contribution is a flexible, practical protocol for private proximity testing, a useful and efficient technique for representing location values, and a working implementation of the system we design in this paper. It is implemented as an Android application with the Facebook online social network used for communication between users.