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Putra, M.S.A., Budiman, G., Novamizanti, L..  2014.  Implementation of steganography using LSB with encrypted and compressed text using TEA-LZW on Android. Computer, Control, Informatics and Its Applications (IC3INA), 2014 International Conference on. :93-98.

The development of data communications enabling the exchange of information via mobile devices more easily. Security in the exchange of information on mobile devices is very important. One of the weaknesses in steganography is the capacity of data that can be inserted. With compression, the size of the data will be reduced. In this paper, designed a system application on the Android platform with the implementation of LSB steganography and cryptography using TEA to the security of a text message. The size of this text message may be reduced by performing lossless compression technique using LZW method. The advantages of this method is can provide double security and more messages to be inserted, so it is expected be a good way to exchange information data. The system is able to perform the compression process with an average ratio of 67.42 %. Modified TEA algorithm resulting average value of avalanche effect 53.8%. Average result PSNR of stego image 70.44 dB. As well as average MOS values is 4.8.

S. Goyal, M. Ramaiya, D. Dubey.  2015.  "Improved Detection of 1-2-4 LSB Steganography and RSA Cryptography in Color and Grayscale Images". 2015 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN). :1120-1124.

Steganography is the art of the hidden data in such a way that it detection of hidden knowledge prevents. As the necessity of security and privacy increases, the need of the hiding secret data is ongoing. In this paper proposed an enhanced detection of the 1-2-4 LSB steganography and RSA cryptography in Gray Scale and Color images. For color images, we apply 1-2-4 LSB on component of the RGB, then encrypt information applying RSA technique. For Gray Images, we use LSB to then encrypt information and also detect edges of gray image. In the experimental outcomes, calculate PSNR and MSE. We calculate peak signal noise ratio for quality and brightness. This method makes sure that the information has been encrypted before hiding it into an input image. If in any case the cipher text got revealed from the input image, the middle person other than receiver can't access the information as it is in encrypted form.

Rashid, Rasber Dh., Majeed, Taban F..  2019.  Edge Based Image Steganography: Problems and Solution. 2019 International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Their Applications (ICCSPA). :1–5.

Steganography means hiding secrete message in cover object in a way that no suspicious from the attackers, the most popular steganography schemes is image steganography. A very common questions that asked in the field are: 1- what is the embedding scheme used?, 2- where is (location) the secrete messages are embedded?, and 3- how the sender will tell the receiver about the locations of the secrete message?. Here in this paper we are deal with and aimed to answer questions number 2 and 3. We used the popular scheme in image steganography which is least significant bits for embedding in edges positions in color images. After we separate the color images into its components Red, Green, and Blue, then we used one of the components as an index to find the edges, while other one or two components used for embedding purpose. Using this technique we will guarantee the same number and positions of edges before and after embedding scheme, therefore we are guaranteed extracting the secrete message as it's without any loss of secrete messages bits.

Selvi J., Anitha Gnana, kalavathy G., Maria.  2019.  Probing Image and Video Steganography Based On Discrete Wavelet and Discrete Cosine Transform. 2019 Fifth International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (ICONSTEM). 1:21–24.

Now-a-days, video steganography has developed for a secured communication among various users. The two important factor of steganography method are embedding potency and embedding payload. Here, a Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) algorithmic programs used to detect motion object, also shows foreground mask. Discrete wavelet Transform (DWT) and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) are used for message embedding and extraction stage. In existing system Least significant bit method was proposed. This technique of hiding data may lose some data after some file transformation. The suggested Multiple object tracking algorithm increases embedding and extraction speed, also protects secret message against various attackers.

Rezaei, Aref, Farzinvash, Leili, Farzamnia, Ali.  2019.  A Novel Steganography Algorithm using Edge Detection and MPC Algorithm. 2019 16th International ISC (Iranian Society of Cryptology) Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCISC). :49—54.

With the rapid development of the Internet, preserving the security of confidential data has become a challenging issue. An effective method to this end is to apply steganography techniques. In this paper, we propose an efficient steganography algorithm which applies edge detection and MPC algorithm for data concealment in digital images. The proposed edge detection scheme partitions the given image, namely cover image, into blocks. Next, it identifies the edge blocks based on the variance of their corner pixels. Embedding the confidential data in sharp edges causes less distortion in comparison to the smooth areas. To diminish the imposed distortion by data embedding in edge blocks, we employ LSB and MPC algorithms. In the proposed scheme, the blocks are split into some groups firstly. Next, a full tree is constructed per group using the LSBs of its pixels. This tree is converted into another full tree in some rounds. The resultant tree is used to modify the considered LSBs. After the accomplishment of the data embedding process, the final image, which is called stego image, is derived. According to the experimental results, the proposed algorithm improves PSNR with at least 5.4 compared to the previous schemes.

Sibahee, M. A. A., Lu, S., Abduljabbar, Z. A., Liu, E. X., Ran, Y., Al-ashoor, A. A. J., Hussain, M. A., Hussien, Z. A..  2020.  Promising Bio-Authentication Scheme to Protect Documents for E2E S2S in IoT-Cloud. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC). :1—6.

Document integrity and origin for E2E S2S in IoTcloud have recently received considerable attention because of their importance in the real-world fields. Maintaining integrity could protect decisions made based on these message/image documents. Authentication and integrity solutions have been conducted to recognise or protect any modification in the exchange of documents between E2E S2S (smart-to-smart). However, none of the proposed schemes appear to be sufficiently designed as a secure scheme to prevent known attacks or applicable to smart devices. We propose a robust scheme that aims to protect the integrity of documents for each users session by integrating HMAC-SHA-256, handwritten feature extraction using a local binary pattern, one-time random pixel sequence based on RC4 to randomly hide authentication codes using LSB. The proposed scheme can provide users with one-time bio-key, robust message anonymity and a disappearing authentication code that does not draw the attention of eavesdroppers. Thus, the scheme improves the data integrity for a users messages/image documents, phase key agreement, bio-key management and a one-time message/image document code for each users session. The concept of stego-anonymity is also introduced to provide additional security to cover a hashed value. Finally, security analysis and experimental results demonstrate and prove the invulnerability and efficiency of the proposed scheme.

Kumar Gupta, Lalit, Singh, Aniket, Kushwaha, Abhishek, Vishwakarma, Ashish.  2021.  Analysis of Image Steganography Techniques for Different Image Format. 2021 International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT). :1—6.
Steganography is the method of hiding one type of information into other type of information, hiding a secret a message in a cover so that others can't know the presence of the secret information. It provides an extra layer of security in communication and information sharing. Security is an important aspect of the communication process; everyone want security in communication. The main purpose of this paper is to introduce security of information that people share among them. In this paper we are presenting different methods of substitution techniques of image steganography and their comparison. Least significant bit and most significant bit substitution techniques are used. Information is hidden in an image file and then decoded back for the secret message. Hiding the presence of any hidden information makes this more secure. This implementation can be used by secret service agencies and also common people for secure communication.
Kabulov, Anvar, Saymanov, Islambek, Yarashov, Inomjon, Muxammadiev, Firdavs.  2021.  Algorithmic method of security of the Internet of Things based on steganographic coding. 2021 IEEE International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS). :1–5.
In the Internet of Things, it is more important than ever to effectively address the problem of secure transmission based on steganographic substitution by synthesizing digital sensor data. In this case, the degree to which the grayscale message is obscured is a necessary issue. To ensure information security in IoT systems, various methods are used and information security problems are solved to one degree or another. The article proposes a method and algorithm for a computer image in grayscale, in which the value of each pixel is one sample, representing the amount of light, carrying only information about the intensity. The proposed method in grayscale using steganographic coding provides a secure implementation of data transmission in the IoT system. Study results were analyzed using PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio).
Elharrouss, Omar, Almaadeed, Noor, Al-Maadeed, Somaya.  2020.  An image steganography approach based on k-least significant bits (k-LSB). 2020 IEEE International Conference on Informatics, IoT, and Enabling Technologies (ICIoT). :131—135.
Image steganography is the operation of hiding a message into a cover image. the message can be text, codes, or image. Hiding an image into another is the proposed approach in this paper. Based on LSB coding, a k-LSB-based method is proposed using k least bits to hide the image. For decoding the hidden image, a region detection operation is used to know the blocks contains the hidden image. The resolution of stego image can be affected, for that, an image quality enhancement method is used to enhance the image resolution. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, we compare it with some of the state-of-the-art methods.
Yahia, Fatima F. M., Abushaala, Ahmed M..  2022.  Cryptography using Affine Hill Cipher Combining with Hybrid Edge Detection (Canny-LoG) and LSB for Data Hiding. 2022 IEEE 2nd International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (MI-STA). :379–384.

In our time the rapid growth of internet and digital communications has been required to be protected from illegal users. It is important to secure the information transmitted between the sender and receiver over the communication channels such as the internet, since it is a public environment. Cryptography and Steganography are the most popular techniques used for sending data in secrete way. In this paper, we are proposing a new algorithm that combines both cryptography and steganography in order to increase the level of data security against attackers. In cryptography, we are using affine hill cipher method; while in steganography we are using Hybrid edge detection with LSB to hide the message. Our paper shows how we can use image edges to hide text message. Grayscale images are used for our experiments and a comparison is developed based on using different edge detection operators such as (canny-LoG ) and (Canny-Sobel). Their performance is measured using PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise ratio), MSE (Mean Squared Error) and EC (Embedding Capacity). The results indicate that, using hybrid edge detection (canny- LoG) with LSB for hiding data could provide high embedding capacity than using hybrid edge detection (canny- Sobel) with LSB. We could prove that hiding in the image edge area could preserve the imperceptibility of the Stego-image. This paper has also proved that the secrete message was extracted successfully without any distortion.