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Singh, Anuraj, Garg, Puneet, Singh, Himanshu.  2022.  Effect of Timers on the Keystroke Pattern of the Student in a Computer Based Exam. 2022 IEEE 6th Conference on Information and Communication Technology (CICT). :1–6.
This research studies the effect of a countdown timer and a count-up timer on the keystroke pattern of the student and finds out whether changing the timer type changes the keystroke pattern. It also points out which timer affects more students in a timer environment during exams. We used two hypothesis testing statistical Algorithms, namely, the Two-Sample T-Test and One-way ANOVA Test, for analysis to identify the effect of different times our whether significant differences were found in the keystroke pattern or not when different timers were used. The supporting results have been found with determines that timer change can change the keystroke pattern of the student and from the study of hypothesis testing, different students result from different types of stress when they are under different timer environments.
Ryabko, Boris.  2021.  Application of algorithmic information theory to calibrate tests of random number generators. 2021 XVII International Symposium "Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems" (REDUNDANCY). :61–65.
Currently, statistical tests for random number generators (RNGs) are widely used in practice, and some of them are even included in information security standards. But despite the popularity of RNGs, consistent tests are known only for stationary ergodic deviations of randomness (a test is consistent if it detects any deviations from a given class when the sample size goes to infinity). However, the model of a stationary ergodic source is too narrow for some RNGs, in particular, for generators based on physical effects. In this article, we propose computable consistent tests for some classes of deviations more general than stationary ergodic and describe some general properties of statistical tests. The proposed approach and the resulting test are based on the ideas and methods of information theory.
Chen, L., May, J..  2017.  Theoretical Feasibility of Statistical Assurance of Programmable Systems Based on Simulation Tests. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C). :630–631.

This presents a new model to support empirical failure probability estimation for a software-intensive system. The new element of the approach is that it combines the results of testing using a simulated hardware platform with results from testing on the real platform. This approach addresses a serious practical limitation of a technique known as statistical testing. This limitation will be called the test time expansion problem (or simply the 'time problem'), which is that the amount of testing required to demonstrate useful levels of reliability over a time period T is many orders of magnitude greater than T. The time problem arises whether the aim is to demonstrate ultra-high reliability levels for protection system, or to demonstrate any (desirable) reliability levels for continuous operation ('high demand') systems. Specifically, the theoretical feasibility of a platform simulation approach is considered since, if this is not proven, questions of practical implementation are moot. Subject to the assumptions made in the paper, theoretical feasibility is demonstrated.

Boyacı, O., Tantuğ, A. C..  2017.  A random number generation method based on discrete time chaotic maps. 2017 IEEE 60th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS). :1212–1215.

In this paper a random number generation method based on a piecewise linear one dimensional (PL1D) discrete time chaotic maps is proposed for applications in cryptography and steganography. Appropriate parameters are determined by examining the distribution of underlying chaotic signal and random number generator (RNG) is numerically verified by four fundamental statistical test of FIPS 140-2. Proposed design is practically realized on the field programmable analog and digital arrays (FPAA-FPGA). Finally it is experimentally verified that the presented RNG fulfills the NIST 800-22 randomness test without post processing.

I. Mukherjee, R. Ganguly.  2015.  "Privacy preserving of two sixteen-segmented image using visual cryptography". 2015 IEEE International Conference on Research in Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (ICRCICN). :417-422.

With the advancement of technology, the world has not only become a better place to live in but have also lost the privacy and security of shared data. Information in any form is never safe from the hands of unauthorized accessing individuals. Here, in our paper we propose an approach by which we can preserve data using visual cryptography. In this paper, two sixteen segment displayed text is broken into two shares that does not reveal any information about the original images. By this process we have obtained satisfactory results in statistical and structural testes.

Shinganjude, R.D., Theng, D.P..  2014.  Inspecting the Ways of Source Anonymity in Wireless Sensor Network. Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT), 2014 Fourth International Conference on. :705-707.

Sensor networks mainly deployed to monitor and report real events, and thus it is very difficult and expensive to achieve event source anonymity for it, as sensor networks are very limited in resources. Data obscurity i.e. the source anonymity problem implies that an unauthorized observer must be unable to detect the origin of events by analyzing the network traffic; this problem has emerged as an important topic in the security of wireless sensor networks. This work inspects the different approaches carried for attaining the source anonymity in wireless sensor network, with variety of techniques based on different adversarial assumptions. The approach meeting the best result in source anonymity is proposed for further improvement in the source location privacy. The paper suggests the implementation of most prominent and effective LSB Steganography technique for the improvement.