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Wang, P., Zhang, J., Wang, S., Wu, D..  2020.  Quantitative Assessment on the Limitations of Code Randomization for Legacy Binaries. 2020 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS P). :1–16.
Software development and deployment are generally fast-pacing practices, yet to date there is still a significant amount of legacy software running in various critical industries with years or even decades of lifespans. As the source code of some legacy software became unavailable, it is difficult for maintainers to actively patch the vulnerabilities, leaving the outdated binaries appealing targets of advanced security attacks. One of the most powerful attacks today is code reuse, a technique that can circumvent most existing system-level security facilities. While there have been various countermeasures against code reuse, applying them to sourceless software appears to be exceptionally challenging. Fine-grained code randomization is considered to be an effective strategy to impede modern code-reuse attacks. To apply it to legacy software, a technique called binary rewriting is employed to directly reconstruct binaries without symbol or relocation information. However, we found that current rewriting-based randomization techniques, regardless of their designs and implementations, share a common security defect such that the randomized binaries may remain vulnerable in certain cases. Indeed, our finding does not invalidate fine-grained code randomization as a meaningful defense against code reuse attacks, for it significantly raises the bar for exploits to be successful. Nevertheless, it is critical for the maintainers of legacy software systems to be aware of this problem and obtain a quantitative assessment of the risks in adopting a potentially incomprehensive defense. In this paper, we conducted a systematic investigation into the effectiveness of randomization techniques designed for hardening outdated binaries. We studied various state-of-the-art, fine-grained randomization tools, confirming that all of them can leave a certain part of the retrofitted binary code still reusable. To quantify the risks, we proposed a set of concrete criteria to classify gadgets immune to rewriting-based randomization and investigated their availability and capability.
Guelton, Serge, Guinet, Adrien, Brunet, Pierrick, Martinez, Juan Manuel, Dagnat, Fabien, Szlifierski, Nicolas.  2018.  [Research Paper] Combining Obfuscation and Optimizations in the Real World. 2018 IEEE 18th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM). :24–33.
Code obfuscation is the de facto standard to protect intellectual property when delivering code in an unmanaged environment. It relies on additive layers of code tangling techniques, white-box encryption calls and platform-specific or tool-specific countermeasures to make it harder for a reverse engineer to access critical pieces of data or to understand core algorithms. The literature provides plenty of different obfuscation techniques that can be used at compile time to transform data or control flow in order to provide some kind of protection against different reverse engineering scenarii. Scheduling code transformations to optimize a given metric is known as the pass scheduling problem, a problem known to be NP-hard, but solved in a practical way using hard-coded sequences that are generally satisfactory. Adding code obfuscation to the problem introduces two new dimensions. First, as a code obfuscator needs to find a balance between obfuscation and performance, pass scheduling becomes a multi-criteria optimization problem. Second, obfuscation passes transform their inputs in unconventional ways, which means some pass combinations may not be desirable or even valid. This paper highlights several issues met when blindly chaining different kind of obfuscation and optimization passes, emphasizing the need of a formal model to combine them. It proposes a non-intrusive formalism to leverage on sequential pass management techniques. The model is validated on real-world scenarii gathered during the development of an industrial-strength obfuscator on top of the LLVM compiler infrastructure.
Aires Urquiza, Abraão, AlTurki, Musab A., Kanovich, Max, Ban Kirigin, Tajana, Nigam, Vivek, Scedrov, Andre, Talcott, Carolyn.  2019.  Resource-Bounded Intruders in Denial of Service Attacks. 2019 IEEE 32nd Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). :382—38214.

Denial of Service (DoS) attacks have been a serious security concern, as no service is, in principle, protected against them. Although a Dolev-Yao intruder with unlimited resources can trivially render any service unavailable, DoS attacks do not necessarily have to be carried out by such (extremely) powerful intruders. It is useful in practice and more challenging for formal protocol verification to determine whether a service is vulnerable even to resource-bounded intruders that cannot generate or intercept arbitrary large volumes of traffic. This paper proposes a novel, more refined intruder model where the intruder can only consume at most some specified amount of resources in any given time window. Additionally, we propose protocol theories that may contain timeouts and specify service resource usage during protocol execution. In contrast to the existing resource-conscious protocol verification models, our model allows finer and more subtle analysis of DoS problems. We illustrate the power of our approach by representing a number of classes of DoS attacks, such as, Slow, Asymmetric and Amplification DoS attacks, exhausting different types of resources of the target, such as, number of workers, processing power, memory, and network bandwidth. We show that the proposed DoS problem is undecidable in general and is PSPACE-complete for the class of resource-bounded, balanced systems. Finally, we implemented our formal verification model in the rewriting logic tool Maude and analyzed a number of DoS attacks in Maude using Rewriting Modulo SMT in an automated fashion.