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Venkataramana, B., Jadhav, A..  2020.  Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols under Black Hole Attack in Cognitive Radio Mesh Network. 2020 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI). :98–102.
Wireless technology is rapidly proliferating. Devices such as Laptops, PDAs and cell-phones gained a lot of importance due to the use of wireless technology. Nowadays there is also a huge demand for spectrum allocation and there is a need to utilize the maximum available spectrum in efficient manner. Cognitive Radio (CR) Network is one such intelligent radio network, designed to utilize the maximum licensed bandwidth to un-licensed users. Cognitive Radio has the capability to understand unused spectrum at a given time at a specific location. This capability helps to minimize the interference to the licensed users and improves the performance of the network. Routing protocol selection is one of the main strategies to design any wireless or wired networks. In Cognitive radio networks the selected routing protocol should be best in terms of establishing an efficient route, addressing challenges in network topology and should be able to reduce bandwidth consumption. Performance analysis of the protocols helps to select the best protocol in the network. Objective of this study is to evaluate performance of various cognitive radio network routing protocols like Spectrum Aware On Demand Routing Protocol (SORP), Spectrum Aware Mesh Routing in Cognitive Radio Networks (SAMER) and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) with and without black hole attack using various performance parameters like Throughput, E2E delay and Packet delivery ratio with the help of NS2 simulator.
Rahman, S.M.M., Kamruzzaman, S.M., Almogren, A., Alelaiwi, A., Alamri, A., Alghamdi, A..  2014.  Anonymous and Secure Communication Protocol for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks. Multimedia (ISM), 2014 IEEE International Symposium on. :393-398.

Cognitive radio (CR) networks are becoming an increasingly important part of the wireless networking landscape due to the ever-increasing scarcity of spectrum resources throughout the world. Nowadays CR media is becoming popular wireless communication media for disaster recovery communication network. Although the operational aspects of CR are being explored vigorously, its security aspects have gained less attention to the research community. The existing research on CR network mainly focuses on the spectrum sensing and allocation, energy efficiency, high throughput, end-to-end delay and other aspect of the network technology. But, very few focuses on the security aspect and almost none focus on the secure anonymous communication in CR networks (CRNs). In this research article we would focus on secure anonymous communication in CR ad hoc networks (CRANs). We would propose a secure anonymous routing for CRANs based on pairing based cryptography which would provide source node, destination node and the location anonymity. Furthermore, the proposed research would protect different attacks those are feasible on CRANs.