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Modelling of submerged oscillating water columns with mass transfer for wave energy extraction. 2019 Offshore Energy and Storage Summit (OSES). :1—9.
2019. Oscillating-water-column (OWC) devices are a very important type of wave energy converters which have been extensively studied over the years. Although most designs of OWC are based on floating or fixed structures exposed above the surface level, little is known from completely submerged systems which can benefit from reduced environmental loads and a simplified structural design. The submerged type of resonant duct consists of two OWCs separated by a weir and air chamber instead of the commonly used single column. Under conditions close to resonance, water flows from the first column into the second one, resulting in a positive flow through the system from which energy can be extracted by a hydro turbine. While existing work has looked at the study of the behaviour of one OWC, this paper addresses the dynamic interaction between the two water columns including the mass transfer mechanism as well as the associated change of momentum. A numerical time-domain model is used to obtain some initial results on the performance and response of the system for different design parameters. The model is derived from 1D conservation of mass and momentum equations, including hydrodynamic effects, adiabatic air compressibility and turbine induced damping. Preliminary results indicate that the mass transfer has an important effect both on the resonance amplification and on the phase between the motion of the two columns. Simulation results are presented for the system performance over several weir heights and regular wave conditions. Further work will continue in design optimization and experimental validation of the proposed model.
Wide-Area Damping Control Using Multiple DFIG-Based Wind Farms Under Stochastic Data Packet Dropouts. 2019 IEEE Power Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). :1—1.
2019. Data dropouts in communication network can have a significant impact on wide-area oscillation damping control of a smart power grid with large-scale deployment of distributed and networked phasor measurement units and wind energy resources. Remote feedback signals sent through communication channels encounter data dropout, which is represented by the Gilbert-Elliott model. An observer-driven reduced copy (ORC) approach is presented, which uses the knowledge of the nominal system dynamics during data dropouts to improve the damping performance where conventional feedback would suffer. An expression for the expectation of the bound on the error norm between the actual and the estimated states relating uncertainties in the cyber system due to data dropout and physical system due to change in operating conditions is also derived. The key contribution comes from the analytical derivation of the impact of coupling between the cyber and the physical layer on ORC performance. Monte Carlo simulation is performed to calculate the dispersion of the error bound. Nonlinear time-domain simulations demonstrate that the ORC produces significantly better performance compared to conventional feedback under higher data drop situations.
Small-Signal Stability Analysis and Active Damping Control of DC Microgrids Integrated With Distributed Electric Springs. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 11:3737–3747.
2020. Series DC electric springs (DCESs) are a state-of-the-art demand-side management (DSM) technology with the capability to reduce energy storage requirements of DC microgrids by manipulating the power of non-critical loads (NCLs). As the stability of DC microgrids is highly prone to dynamic interactions between the system active and passive components, this study intends to conduct a comprehensive small-signal stability analysis of a community DC microgrid integrated with distributed DCESs considering the effect of destabilizing constant power loads (CPLs). For this purpose, after deriving the small-signal model of a DCES-integrated microgrid, the sensitivity of the system dominant frequency modes to variations of various physical and control parameters is evaluated by means of eigenvalue analysis. Next, an active damping control method based on virtual RC parallel impedance is proposed for series DCESs to compensate for their slow dynamic response and to provide a dynamic stabilization function within the microgrid. Furthermore, impedance-based stability analysis is utilized to study the DC microgrid expandability in terms of integration with multiple DCESs. Finally, several case studies are presented to verify analytical findings of the paper and to evaluate the dynamic performance of the DC microgrid.
Situational Awareness of Power System Stabilizers’ Performance in Energy Control Centers. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE). :1–8.
2020. Undamped power system oscillations are detrimental to stable and security of the electric grid. Historically, poorly damped low frequency rotor oscillations have caused system blackouts or brownouts. It is required to monitor the oscillation damping controllers such as power system stabilizers' (PSS) performance at energy control centers as well as at power plant control centers. Phasor measurement units (PMUs) based time response and frequency response information on PSS performance is collected. A fuzzy logic system is developed to combine the time and frequency response information to derive the situational awareness on PSS performance on synchronous generator's oscillation(s). A two-area four-machine benchmark power system is simulated on a real-time digital simulator platform. Fuzzy logic system developed is evaluated for different system disturbances. Situational awareness on PSS performance on synchronous generator's oscillation(s) allows the control center operator to enhance the power system operation more stable and secure.
A Cyber Threat Mitigation Approach For Wide Area Control of SVCs using Stability Monitoring. 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech. :1–6.
2021. We propose a stability monitoring approach for the mitigation of cyber threats directed at the wide area control (WAC) system used for coordinated control of Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) used for power oscillation damping (POD) of active power flow on inter-area tie lines. The approach involves monitoring the modes of the active power oscillation on an inter-area tie line using the Matrix Pencil (MP) method. We use the stability characteristics of the observed modes as a proxy for the presence of destabilizing cyber threats. We monitor the system modes to determine whether any destabilizing modes appear after the WAC system engages to control the POD. If the WAC signal exacerbates the POD performance, the FACTS falls back to POD using local measurements. The proposed approach does not require an expansive system-wide view of the network. We simulate replay, control integrity, and timing attacks for a test system and present results that demonstrate the performance of the SM approach for mitigation.
A Localized Cyber Threat Mitigation Approach For Wide Area Control of FACTS. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm). :264–269.
2021. We propose a localized oscillation amplitude monitoring (OAM) method for the mitigation of cyber threats directed at the wide area control (WAC) system used to coordinate control of Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) for power oscillation damping (POD) of active power flow on inter-area tie lines. The method involves monitoring the inter-area tie line active power oscillation amplitude over a sliding window. We use system instability - inferred from oscillation amplitudes growing instead of damping - as evidence of an indication of a malfunction in the WAC of FACTS, possibly indicative of a cyber attack. Monitoring the presence of such a growth allows us to determine whether any destabilizing behaviors appear after the WAC system engages to control the POD. If the WAC signal increases the oscillation amplitude over time, thereby diminishing the POD performance, the FACTS falls back to POD using local measurements. The proposed method does not require an expansive system-wide view of the network. We simulate replay, control integrity, and timing attacks for a test system and present results that demonstrate the performance of the OAM method for mitigation.
Increasing Grid Power Transmission Using PV-STATCOM. 2021 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT). :1–5.
2021. Renewable energy resource plays an important role due to increasing energy claim. Power generation by PV technology is one of the fastest growing renewable energy sources due to its clean, economical and sustainable property. Grid integrated PV systems plays an important role in power generation sector. As the energy demand is increasing day by day, the power transfer capability of transmission line is increasing which leads various problems like stability, increase in fault current, congestion etc. To overcome the problem, we can use either FACTS device or battery storage or construct additional lines which is cost effective. This paper deals with grid connected PV system, which functions as PV-STATCOM. Voltage and damping control are used to elevate the power transfer capacity and to achieve regulated voltage within the limits at the point of common coupling (PCC). The studies are performed on SMIB and the simulation is carried out in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment.
Fast-variable Processes Analysis Using Classical and Approximation Spectral Analysis Methods. 2021 International Conference on Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies (IT&QM&IS). :274—278.
2021. A comparative analysis of the classical and approximation methods of spectral analysis of fast-variable processes in technical systems is carried out. It is shown that the approximation methods make it possible to substantially remove the contradiction between the requirements for spectrum smoothing and its frequency resolution. On practical examples of vibroacoustic signals, the effectiveness of approximation methods is shown. The Prony method was used to process the time series. The interactive frequency segmentation method and the direct identification method were used for approximation and frequency characteristics.
Enhancement of Power System Security by Fuzzy based Unified Power Flow Controller. 2022 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT). :1—4.
2022. The paper presents the design of fuzzy logic controller based unified power flow controller (UPFC) to improve power system security performance during steady state as well as fault conditions. Fuzzy interference has been design with two inputs Vref and Vm for the shunt voltage source Converter and two inputs for Series Id, Idref, Iq, Iqref at the series voltage source converter location. The coordination of shunt and series VSC has been achieved by using fuzzy logic controller (FLC). The comparative performance of PI based UPFC and fuzzy based UPFC under abnormal condition has been validated in MATLB domain. The combination of fuzzy with a UPFC is tested on multi machine system in MATLAB domain. The results shows that the power system security enhancement as well as oscillations damping.
Fuzzy Logic based Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) to enhance Power System Security. 2022 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET). :667—672.
2022. In today's power market, it's vital to keep electrical energy affordable to the vast majority of people while maintaining the highest degree of dependability. Due to which, the transmission network must operate beyond transfer limitations, generating congestion on transmission lines. These transmission line difficulties can be alleviated with the use of reactive power adjustment based on FACTS devices. Using a fuzzy tuned Static Synchronous Series Compensator [SSSC], this research proposes a novel method for calculating the effective damping oscillation control signals. The performance of the SSSC is compared to that of fuzzy logic-based controllers using PI controllers. According to the simulation results, the SSSC with fuzzy logic control effectively improves power flow under disrupted conditions