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Embarak, Ossama.  2022.  An adaptive paradigm for smart education systems in smart cities using the internet of behaviour (IoB) and explainable artificial intelligence (XAI). 2022 8th International Conference on Information Technology Trends (ITT). :74—79.
The rapid shift towards smart cities, particularly in the era of pandemics, necessitates the employment of e-learning, remote learning systems, and hybrid models. Building adaptive and personalized education becomes a requirement to mitigate the downsides of distant learning while maintaining high levels of achievement. Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI), machine learning (ML), and the internet of behaviour (IoB) are just a few of the technologies that are helping to shape the future of smart education in the age of smart cities through Customization and personalization. This study presents a paradigm for smart education based on the integration of XAI and IoB technologies. The research uses data acquired on students' behaviours to determine whether or not the current education systems respond appropriately to learners' requirements. Despite the existence of sophisticated education systems, they have not yet reached the degree of development that allows them to be tailored to learners' cognitive needs and support them in the absence of face-to-face instruction. The study collected data on 41 learner's behaviours in response to academic activities and assessed whether the running systems were able to capture such behaviours and respond appropriately or not; the study used evaluation methods that demonstrated that there is a change in students' academic progression concerning monitoring using IoT/IoB to enable a relative response to support their progression.
Jagadamba, G, Sheeba, R, Brinda, K N, Rohini, K C, Pratik, S K.  2020.  Adaptive E-Learning Authentication and Monitoring. 2020 2nd International Conference on Innovative Mechanisms for Industry Applications (ICIMIA). :277–283.
E-learning enables the transfer of skills, knowledge, and education to a large number of recipients. The E-Learning platform has the tendency to provide face-to-face learning through a learning management system (LMS) and facilitated an improvement in traditional educational methods. The LMS saves organization time, money and easy administration. LMS also saves user time to move across the learning place by providing a web-based environment. However, a few students could be willing to exploit such a system's weakness in a bid to cheat if the conventional authentication methods are employed. In this scenario user authentication and surveillance of end user is more challenging. A system with the simultaneous authentication is put forth through multifactor adaptive authentication methods. The proposed system provides an efficient, low cost and human intervention adaptive for e-learning environment authentication and monitoring system.
Korać, D., Damjanović, B., Simić, D..  2020.  Information Security in M-learning Systems: Challenges and Threats of Using Cookies. 2020 19th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH). :1—6.
The trend of rapid development of mobile technologies has highlighted new challenges and threats regarding the information security by the using cookies in mobile learning (m-learning) systems. In order to overcome these challenges and threats, this paper has identified two main objectives. First, to give a review of most common types to cookies and second, to consider the challenges and threats regarding cookies with aspects that are directly related to issues of security and privacy. With these objectives is possible to bridge security gaps in m-learning systems. Moreover, the identified potential challenges and threats are discussed with the given proposals of pragmatic solutions for their mitigating or reducing. The findings of this research may help students to rise security awareness and security behavior in m-learning systems, and to better understand on-going security challenges and threats in m-learning systems.
Elmaghrabi, Azza Yousif, Eljack, Sarah Mustafa.  2019.  Enhancement of Moodle learning Management System Regarding Quizzes Security and Stability Problems. 2019 2nd International Conference on Computer Applications Information Security (ICCAIS). :1—7.

This study aims to enhance the security of Moodle system environment during the Execution of online exams, Taking into consideration the most common problems facing online exams and working to solve them. This was handled by improving the security performance of Moodle Quiz tool, which is one of the most important tools in the learning Management system as general and in Moodle system as well. In this paper we include two enhancement aspects: The first aspect is solving the problem of losing the answers during sudden short disconnection of the network because of the server crash or any other reasons, the second aspect is Increasing the level of confidentiality of e-Quiz by preventing accessing the Quiz from more than one computer or browser at the same time. In order to verify the efficiency of the new quiz tool features, the upgraded tool have been tested using an experimental test Moodle site.