In today's time Software Defined Network (SDN) gives the complete control to get the data flow in the network. SDN works as a central point to which data is administered centrally and traffic is also managed. SDN being open source product is more prone to security threats. The security policies are also to be enforced as it would otherwise let the controller be attacked the most. The attacks like DDOS and DOS attacks are more commonly found in SDN controller. DDOS is destructive attack that normally diverts the normal flow of traffic and starts the over flow of flooded packets halting the system. Machine Learning techniques helps to identify the hidden and unexpected pattern of the network and hence helps in analyzing the network flow. All the classified and unclassified techniques can help detect the malicious flow based on certain parameters like packet flow, time duration, accuracy and precision rate. Researchers have used Bayesian Network, Wavelets, Support Vector Machine and KNN to detect DDOS attacks. As per the review it's been analyzed that KNN produces better result as per the higher precision and giving a lower falser rate for detection. This paper produces better approach of hybrid Machine Learning techniques rather than existing KNN on the same data set giving more accuracy of detecting DDOS attacks on higher precision rate. The result of the traffic with both normal and abnormal behavior is shown and as per the result the proposed algorithm is designed which is suited for giving better approach than KNN and will be implemented later on for future.
This computer era leads human to interact with computers and networks but there is no such solution to get rid of security problems. Securities threats misleads internet, we are sometimes losing our hope and reliability with many server based access. Even though many more crypto algorithms are coming for integrity and authentic data in computer access still there is a non reliable threat penetrates inconsistent vulnerabilities in networks. These vulnerable sites are taking control over the user's computer and doing harmful actions without user's privileges. Though Firewalls and protocols may support our browsers via setting certain rules, still our system couldn't support for data reliability and confidentiality. Since these problems are based on network access, lets we consider TCP/IP parameters as a dataset for analysis. By doing preprocess of TCP/IP packets we can build sovereign model on data set and clump cluster. Further the data set gets classified into regular traffic pattern and anonymous pattern using KNN classification algorithm. Based on obtained pattern for normal and threats data sets, security devices and system will set rules and guidelines to learn by it to take needed stroke. This paper analysis the computer to learn security actions from the given data sets which already exist in the previous happens.
Source code authorship attribution is the task of determining the author of source code whose author is not explicitly known. One specific method of source code authorship attribution that has been shown to be extremely effective is the SCAP method. This method, however, relies on a parameter L that has heretofore been quite nebulous. In the SCAP method, each candidate author's known work is represented as a profile of that author, where the parameter L defines the profile's maximum length. In this study, alternative approaches for selecting a value for L were investigated. Several alternative approaches were found to perform better than the baseline approach used in the SCAP method. The approach that performed the best was empirically shown to improve the performance from 91.0% to 97.2% measured as a percentage of documents correctly attributed using a data set consisting of 7,231 programs written in Java and C++.
In the present time, there has been a huge increase in large data repositories by corporations, governments, and healthcare organizations. These repositories provide opportunities to design/improve decision-making systems by mining trends and patterns from the data set (that can provide credible information) to improve customer service (e.g., in healthcare). As a result, while data sharing is essential, it is an obligation to maintaining the privacy of the data donors as data custodians have legal and ethical responsibilities to secure confidentiality. This research proposes a 2-layer privacy preserving (2-LPP) data sanitization algorithm that satisfies ε-differential privacy for publishing sanitized data. The proposed algorithm also reduces the re-identification risk of the sanitized data. The proposed algorithm has been implemented, and tested with two different data sets. Compared to other existing works, the results obtained from the proposed algorithm show promising performance.