Emerging computing relies heavily on secure backend storage for the massive size of big data originating from the Internet of Things (IoT) smart devices to the Cloud-hosted web applications. Structured Query Language (SQL) Injection Attack (SQLIA) remains an intruder's exploit of choice to pilfer confidential data from the back-end database with damaging ramifications. The existing approaches were all before the new emerging computing in the context of the Internet big data mining and as such will lack the ability to cope with new signatures concealed in a large volume of web requests over time. Also, these existing approaches were strings lookup approaches aimed at on-premise application domain boundary, not applicable to roaming Cloud-hosted services' edge Software-Defined Network (SDN) to application endpoints with large web request hits. Using a Machine Learning (ML) approach provides scalable big data mining for SQLIA detection and prevention. Unfortunately, the absence of corpus to train a classifier is an issue well known in SQLIA research in applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. This paper presents an application context pattern-driven corpus to train a supervised learning model. The model is trained with ML algorithms of Two-Class Support Vector Machine (TC SVM) and Two-Class Logistic Regression (TC LR) implemented on Microsoft Azure Machine Learning (MAML) studio to mitigate SQLIA. This scheme presented here, then forms the subject of the empirical evaluation in Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve.
Security and making trust is the first step toward development in both real and virtual societies. Internet-based development is inevitable. Increasing penetration of technology in the internet banking and its effectiveness in contributing to banking profitability and prosperity requires that satisfied customers turn into loyal customers. Currently, a large number of cyber attacks have been focused on online banking systems, and these attacks are considered as a significant security threat. Banks or customers might become the victim of the most complicated financial crime, namely internet fraud. This study has developed an intelligent system that enables detecting the user's abnormal behavior in online banking. Since the user's behavior is associated with uncertainty, the system has been developed based on the fuzzy theory, This enables it to identify user behaviors and categorize suspicious behaviors with various levels of intensity. The performance of the fuzzy expert system has been evaluated using an receiver operating characteristic curve, which provides the accuracy of 94%. This expert system is optimistic to be used for improving e-banking services security and quality.
By representing large corpora with concise and meaningful elements, topic-based generative models aim to reduce the dimension and understand the content of documents. Those techniques originally analyze on words in the documents, but their extensions currently accommodate meta-data such as authorship information, which has been proved useful for textual modeling. The importance of learning authorship is to extract author interests and assign authors to anonymous texts. Author-Topic (AT) model, an unsupervised learning technique, successfully exploits authorship information to model both documents and author interests using topic representations. However, the AT model simplifies that each author has equal contribution on multiple-author documents. To overcome this limitation, we assumes that authors give different degrees of contributions on a document by using a Dirichlet distribution. This automatically transforms the unsupervised AT model to Supervised Author-Topic (SAT) model, which brings a novelty of authorship prediction on anonymous texts. The SAT model outperforms the AT model for identifying authors of documents written by either single authors or multiple authors with a better Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and a significantly higher Area Under Curve (AUC). The SAT model not only achieves competitive performance to state-of-the-art techniques e.g. Random forests but also maintains the characteristics of the unsupervised models for information discovery i.e. Word distributions of topics, author interests, and author contributions.