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Jaiswal, Supriya, Ballal, Makarand Sudhakar.  2019.  A Novel Online Technique for Fixing the Accountability of Harmonic Injector in Distribution Network. 2019 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT). 1:1—7.

Harmonic distortions come into existence in the power system not only due to nonlinear loads of consumers but also due to custom power devices used by power utilities. These distortions are harmful to the power networks as these produce over heating of appliances, reduction in their life expectancy, increment in electricity bill, false tripping, etc. This paper presents an effective, simple and direct approach to identify the problematic cause either consumer load or utility source or both responsible for harmonics injection in the power system. This technique does not require mathematical model, historical data and expert knowledge. The online methodology is developed in the laboratory and tested for different polluted loads and source conditions. Experimental results are found satisfactory. This proposed technique has substantial potential to determine the problematic cause without any power interruption by plug and play operation just like CCTV.