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Sapountzis, Nikolaos, Sun, Ruimin, Wei, Xuetao, Jin, Yier, Crandall, Jedidiah, Oliveira, Daniela.  2020.  MITOS: Optimal Decisioning for the Indirect Flow Propagation Dilemma in Dynamic Information Flow Tracking Systems. 2020 IEEE 40th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). :1090–1100.
Dynamic Information Flow Tracking (DIFT), also called Dynamic Taint Analysis (DTA), is a technique for tracking the information as it flows through a program's execution. Specifically, some inputs or data get tainted and then these taint marks (tags) propagate usually at the instruction-level. While DIFT has been a fundamental concept in computer and network security for the past decade, it still faces open challenges that impede its widespread application in practice; one of them being the indirect flow propagation dilemma: should the tags involved in an indirect flow, e.g., in a control or address dependency, be propagated? Propagating all these tags, as is done for direct flows, leads to overtainting (all taintable objects become tainted), while not propagating them leads to undertainting (information flow becomes incomplete). In this paper, we analytically model that decisioning problem for indirect flows, by considering various tradeoffs including undertainting versus overtainting, importance of heterogeneous code semantics and context. Towards tackling this problem, we design MITOS, a distributed-optimization algorithm, that: decides about the propagation of indirect flows by properly weighting all these tradeoffs, is of low-complexity, is scalable, is able to flexibly adapt to different application scenarios and security needs of large distributed systems. Additionally, MITOS is applicable to most DIFT systems that consider an arbitrary number of tag types, and introduces the key properties of fairness and tag-balancing to the DIFT field. To demonstrate MITOS's applicability in practice, we implement and evaluate MITOS on top of an open-source DIFT, and we shed light on the open problem. We also perform a case-study scenario with a real in-memory only attack and show that MITOS improves simultaneously (i) system's spatiotemporal overhead (up to 40%), and (ii) system's fingerprint on suspected bytes (up to 167%) compared to traditional DIFT, even though these metrics usually conflict.
Sahabandu, Dinuka, Moothedath, Shana, Bushnell, Linda, Poovendran, Radha, Aller, Joey, Lee, Wenke, Clark, Andrew.  2019.  A Game Theoretic Approach for Dynamic Information Flow Tracking with Conditional Branching. 2019 American Control Conference (ACC). :2289–2296.
In this paper, we study system security against Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). APTs are stealthy and persistent but APTs interact with system and introduce information flows in the system as data-flow and control-flow commands. Dynamic Information Flow Tracking (DIFT) is a promising detection mechanism against APTs which taints suspicious input sources in the system and performs online security analysis when a tainted information is used in unauthorized manner. Our objective in this paper is to model DIFT that handle data-flow and conditional branches in the program that arise from control-flow commands. We use game theoretic framework and provide the first analytical model of DIFT with data-flow and conditional-branch tracking. Our game model which is an undiscounted infinite-horizon stochastic game captures the interaction between APTs and DIFT and the notion of conditional branching. We prove that the best response of the APT is a maximal reachability probability problem and provide a polynomial-time algorithm to find the best response by solving a linear optimization problem. We formulate the best response of the defense as a linear optimization problem and show that an optimal solution to the linear program returns a deterministic optimal policy for the defense. Since finding Nash equilibrium for infinite-horizon undiscounted stochastic games is computationally difficult, we present a nonlinear programming based polynomial-time algorithm to find an E-Nash equilibrium. Finally, we perform experimental analysis of our algorithm on real-world data for NetRecon attack augmented with conditional branching.