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Homsi, Soamar, Quan, Gang, Wen, Wujie, Chapparo-Baquero, Gustavo A., Njilla, Laurent.  2019.  Game Theoretic-Based Approaches for Cybersecurity-Aware Virtual Machine Placement in Public Cloud Clusters. 2019 19th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID). :272–281.
Allocating several Virtual Machines (VMs) onto a single server helps to increase cloud computing resource utilization and to reduce its operating expense. However, multiplexing VMs with different security levels on a single server gives rise to major VM-to-VM cybersecurity interdependency risks. In this paper, we address the problem of the static VM allocation with cybersecurity loss awareness by modeling it as a two-player zero-sum game between an attacker and a provider. We first obtain optimal solutions by employing the mathematical programming approach. We then seek to find the optimal solutions by quickly identifying the equilibrium allocation strategies in our formulated zero-sum game. We mean by "equilibrium" that none of the provider nor the attacker has any incentive to deviate from one's chosen strategy. Specifically, we study the characteristics of the game model, based on which, to develop effective and efficient allocation algorithms. Simulation results show that our proposed cybersecurity-aware consolidation algorithms can significantly outperform the commonly used multi-dimensional bin packing approaches for large-scale cloud data centers.