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Suresh, V., Rajashree, S..  2020.  Establishing Authenticity for DICOM images using ECC algorithm. 2020 Sixth International Conference on Bio Signals, Images, and Instrumentation (ICBSII). :1—4.

Preserving medical data is of utmost importance to stake holders. There are not many laws in India about preservation, usability of patient records. When data is transmitted across the globe there are chances of data getting tampered intentionally or accidentally. Tampered data loses its authenticity for diagnostic purpose, research and various other reasons. This paper proposes an authenticity based ECDSA algorithm by signature verification to identify the tampering of medical image files and alerts by the rules of authenticity. The algorithm can be used by researchers, doctors or any other educated person in order to maintain the authenticity of the record. Presently it is applied on medical related image files like DICOM. However, it can support any other medical related image files and still preserve the authenticity.

Noel, M. D., Waziri, O. V., Abdulhamid, M. S., Ojeniyi, A. J., Okoro, M. U..  2020.  Comparative Analysis of Classical and Post-quantum Digital Signature Algorithms used in Bitcoin Transactions. 2020 2nd International Conference on Computer and Information Sciences (ICCIS). :1–6.

The use of public key cryptosystems ranges from securely encrypting bitcoin transactions and creating digital signatures for non-repudiation. The cryptographic systems security of public key depends on the complexity in solving mathematical problems. Quantum computers pose a threat to the current day algorithms used. This research presents analysis of two Hash-based Signature Schemes (MSS and W-OTS) and provides a comparative analysis of them. The comparisons are based on their efficiency as regards to their key generation, signature generation and verification time. These algorithms are compared with two classical algorithms (RSA and ECDSA) used in bitcoin transaction security. The results as shown in table II indicates that RSA key generation takes 0.2012s, signature generation takes 0.0778s and signature verification is 0.0040s. ECDSA key generation is 0.1378s, signature generation takes 0.0187s, and verification time for the signature is 0.0164s. The W-OTS key generation is 0.002s. To generate a signature in W-OTS, it takes 0.001s and verification time for the signature is 0.0002s. Lastly MSS Key generation, signature generation and verification has high values which are 16.290s, 17.474s, and 13.494s respectively. Based on the results, W-OTS is recommended for bitcoin transaction security because of its efficiency and ability to resist quantum computer attacks on the bitcoin network.

Noel, Moses Dogonyaro, Waziri, Onomza Victor, Abdulhamid, Muhammad Shafii, Ojeniyi, Adebayo Joseph.  2019.  Stateful Hash-based Digital Signature Schemes for Bitcoin Cryptocurrency. 2019 15th International Conference on Electronics, Computer and Computation (ICECCO). :1–6.
Modern computing devices use classical algorithms such as Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) and Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) for their security. The securities of these algorithms relied on the problem and difficulty of integer factorization and also calculating the Discrete Logarithm Problems. With the introduction of quantum computers, recent research is focusing on developing alternative algorithms which are supposed to withstand attacks from quantum computers. One of such alternatives is the Hash-based Digital Signature Schemes. Chosen hash-based signature schemes over classical algorithms is because their security is on the hash function used and that they are metaheuristic in nature. This research work presents basic analysis and the background understanding of Stateful Hash-based Signature Schemes, particularly the Lamport One-Time Signature Scheme, Winternitz One-Time Signature Scheme, and the Merkle Signature Scheme. The three schemes selected are stateful, hence has common features and are few-time hash-based signature schemes. The selected Stateful Hash-based Digital Signature Schemes were analyzed based on their respective key generation, signature generation, signature verification, and their security levels. Practical working examples were given for better understanding. With the analyses, Merkle Signature Scheme proves to be the best candidate to be used in the Bitcoin Proof of Work protocol because of its security and its advantage of signing many messages.