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Grüner, Andreas, Mühle, Alexander, Meinel, Christoph.  2019.  Using Probabilistic Attribute Aggregation for Increasing Trust in Attribute Assurance. 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). :633–640.
Identity management is an essential cornerstone of securing online services. Service provisioning relies on correct and valid attributes of a digital identity. Therefore, the identity provider is a trusted third party with a specific trust requirement towards a verified attribute supply. This trust demand implies a significant dependency on users and service providers. We propose a novel attribute aggregation method to reduce the reliance on one identity provider. Trust in an attribute is modelled as a combined assurance of several identity providers based on probability distributions. We formally describe the proposed aggregation model. The resulting trust model is implemented in a gateway that is used for authentication with self-sovereign identity solutions. Thereby, we devise a service provider specific web of trust that constitutes an intermediate approach bridging a global hierarchical model and a locally decentralized peer to peer scheme.
Ateş, Çağatay, Özdel, Süleyman, Yıldırım, Metehan, Anarım, Emin.  2019.  DDoS Attack Detection Using Greedy Algorithm and Frequency Modulation. 2019 27th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU). :1–4.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is one of the major threats to the network services. In this paper, we propose a DDoS attack detection algorithm based on the probability distributions of source IP addresses and destination IP addresses. According to the behavior of source and destination IP addresses during DDoS attack, the distance between these features is calculated and used.It is calculated with using the Greedy algorithm which eliminates some requirements associated with Kullback-Leibler divergence such as having the same rank of the probability distributions. Then frequency modulation is proposed in the detection phase to reduce false alarm rates and to avoid using static threshold. This algorithm is tested on the real data collected from Boğaziçi University network.