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Privacy-Preserving Fuzzy Multi-Keyword Search for Multiple Data Owners in Cloud Computing. 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). :2166–2171.
2019. With cloud computing's development, more users are decide to store information on the cloud server. Owing to the cloud server's insecurity, many documents should be encrypted to avoid information leakage before being sent to the cloud. Nevertheless, it leads to the problem that plaintext search techniques can not be directly applied to the ciphertext search. In this case, many searchable encryption schemes based on single data owner model have been proposed. But, the actual situation is that users want to do research with encrypted documents originating from various data owners. This paper puts forward a privacy-preserving scheme that is based on fuzzy multi-keyword search (PPFMKS) for multiple data owners. For the sake of espousing fuzzy multi-keyword and accurate search, secure indexes on the basis of Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH) and Bloom Filter (BF)are established. To guarantee the search privacy under multiple data owners model, a new encryption method allowing that different data owners have diverse keys to encrypt files is proposed. This method also solves the high cost caused by inconvenience of key management.
An Online System Dependency Graph Anomaly Detection based on Extended Weisfeiler-Lehman Kernel. MILCOM 2019 - 2019 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :1–6.
2019. Modern operating systems are typical multitasking systems: Running multiple tasks at the same time. Therefore, a large number of system calls belonging to different processes are invoked at the same time. By associating these invocations, one can construct the system dependency graph. In rapidly evolving system dependency graphs, how to quickly find outliers is an urgent issue for intrusion detection. Clustering analysis based on graph similarity will help solve this problem. In this paper, an extended Weisfeiler-Lehman(WL) kernel is proposed. Firstly, an embedded vector with indefinite dimensions is constructed based on the original dependency graph. Then, the vector is compressed with Simhash to generate a fingerprint. Finally, anomaly detection based on clustering is carried out according to these fingerprints. Our scheme can achieve prominent detection with high efficiency. For validation, we choose StreamSpot, a relevant prior work, to act as benchmark, and use the same data set as it to carry out evaluations. Experiments show that our scheme can achieve the highest detection precision of 98% while maintaining a perfect recall performance. Moreover, both quantitative and visual comparisons demonstrate the outperforming clustering effect of our scheme than StreamSpot.