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An Implementation of Data Exchange in Environmental Monitoring Using Authenticated Attribute-Based Encryption with Revocation. 2018 International Electronics Symposium on Knowledge Creation and Intelligent Computing (IES-KCIC). :359—366.
2018. Internet of things era grown very rapidly in Industrial Revolution 4.0, there are many researchers use the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology to obtain the data for environmental monitoring. The data obtained from WSN will be sent to the Data Center, where users can view and collect all of data from the Data Center using end devices such as personal computer, laptop, and mobile phone. The Data Center would be very dangerous, because everyone can intercept, track and even modify the data. Security requirement to ensure the confidentiality all of stored data in the data center and give the authenticity in data has not changed during the collection process. Ciphertext Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) can become a solution to secure the confidentiality for all of data. Only users with appropriate rule of policy can get the original data. To guarantee there is no changes during the collection process of the data then require the time stamp digital signature for securing the data integrity. To protect the confidentiality and data integrity, we propose a security mechanism using CP-ABE with user revocation and Time Stamp Digital Signature using Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) 384 bits. Our system can do the revocation for the users who did the illegal access. Our system is not only securing the data but also providing the guarantee that is no changes during the collection process of the data from the Data Center.