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Khan, S., Jadhav, A., Bharadwaj, I., Rooj, M., Shiravale, S..  2020.  Blockchain and the Identity based Encryption Scheme for High Data Security. 2020 Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :1005—1008.

Using the blockchain technology to store the privatedocuments of individuals will help make data more reliable and secure, preventing the loss of data and unauthorized access. The Consensus algorithm along with the hash algorithms maintains the integrity of data simultaneously providing authentication and authorization. The paper incorporates the block chain and the Identity Based Encryption management concept. The Identity based Management system allows the encryption of the user's data as well as their identity and thus preventing them from Identity theft and fraud. These two technologies combined will result in a more secure way of storing the data and protecting the privacy of the user.

Fan, X., Zhang, F., Turamat, E., Tong, C., Wu, J. H., Wang, K..  2020.  Provenance-based Classification Policy based on Encrypted Search. 2020 2nd International Conference on Industrial Artificial Intelligence (IAI). :1–6.
As an important type of cloud data, digital provenance is arousing increasing attention on improving system performance. Currently, provenance has been employed to provide cues regarding access control and to estimate data quality. However, provenance itself might also be sensitive information. Therefore, provenance might be encrypted and stored in the Cloud. In this paper, we provide a mechanism to classify cloud documents by searching specific keywords from their encrypted provenance, and we prove our scheme achieves semantic security. In term of application of the proposed techniques, considering that files are classified to store separately in the cloud, in order to facilitate the regulation and security protection for the files, the classification policies can use provenance as conditions to determine the category of a document. Such as the easiest sample policy goes like: the documents have been reviewed twice can be classified as “public accessible”, which can be accessed by the public.
Chesnokov, N. I., Korochentsev, D. A., Cherckesova, L. V., Safaryan, O. A., Chumakov, V. E., Pilipenko, I. A..  2020.  Software Development of Electronic Digital Signature Generation at Institution Electronic Document Circulation. 2020 IEEE East-West Design Test Symposium (EWDTS). :1–5.
the purpose of this paper is investigation of existing approaches to formation of electronic digital signatures, as well as the possibility of software developing for electronic signature generation at electronic document circulation of institution. The article considers and analyzes the existing algorithms for generating and processing electronic signatures. Authors propose the model for documented information exchanging in institution, including cryptographic module and secure key storage, blockchain storage of electronic signatures, central web-server and web-interface. Examples of the developed software are demonstrated, and recommendations are given for its implementation, integration and using in different institutions.
Pouliot, David, Griffy, Scott, Wright, Charles V..  2019.  The Strength of Weak Randomization: Easily Deployable, Efficiently Searchable Encryption with Minimal Leakage. 2019 49th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). :517–529.

Efficiently searchable and easily deployable encryption schemes enable an untrusted, legacy service such as a relational database engine to perform searches over encrypted data. The ease with which such schemes can be deployed on top of existing services makes them especially appealing in operational environments where encryption is needed but it is not feasible to replace large infrastructure components like databases or document management systems. Unfortunately all previously known approaches for efficiently searchable and easily deployable encryption are vulnerable to inference attacks where an adversary can use knowledge of the distribution of the data to recover the plaintext with high probability. We present a new efficiently searchable, easily deployable database encryption scheme that is provably secure against inference attacks even when used with real, low-entropy data. We implemented our constructions in Haskell and tested databases up to 10 million records showing our construction properly balances security, deployability and performance.

Rao, Deepthi, Kumar, D.V.N. Siva, Thilagam, P. Santhi.  2018.  An Efficient Multi-User Searchable Encryption Scheme without Query Transformation over Outsourced Encrypted Data. 2018 9th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS). :1-4.

Searchable Encryption (SE) schemes provide security and privacy to the cloud data. The existing SE approaches enable multiple users to perform search operation by using various schemes like Broadcast Encryption (BE), Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE), etc. However, these schemes do not allow multiple users to perform the search operation over the encrypted data of multiple owners. Some SE schemes involve a Proxy Server (PS) that allow multiple users to perform the search operation. However, these approaches incur huge computational burden on PS due to the repeated encryption of the user queries for transformation purpose so as to ensure that users' query is searchable over the encrypted data of multiple owners. Hence, to eliminate this computational burden on PS, this paper proposes a secure proxy server approach that performs the search operation without transforming the user queries. This approach also returns the top-k relevant documents to the user queries by using Euclidean distance similarity approach. Based on the experimental study, this approach is efficient with respect to search time and accuracy.

Vanjari, M. S. P., Balsaraf, M. K. P..  2018.  Efficient Exploration of Algorithm in Scholarly Big Data Document. 2018 International Conference on Information , Communication, Engineering and Technology (ICICET). :1–5.
Algorithms are used to develop, analyzing, and applying in the computer field and used for developing new application. It is used for finding solutions to any problems in different condition. It transforms the problems into algorithmic ones on which standard algorithms are applied. Day by day Scholarly Digital documents are increasing. AlgorithmSeer is a search engine used for searching algorithms. The main aim of it provides a large algorithm database. It is used to automatically encountering and take these algorithms in this big collection of documents that enable algorithm indexing, searching, discovery, and analysis. An original set to identify and pull out algorithm representations in a big collection of scholarly documents is proposed, of scale able techniques used by AlgorithmSeer. Along with this, particularly important and relevant textual content can be accessed the platform and highlight portions by anyone with different levels of knowledge. In support of lectures and self-learning, the highlighted documents can be shared with others. But different levels of learners cannot use the highlighted part of text at same understanding level. The problem of guessing new highlights of partially highlighted documents can be solved by us.
Ayoade, G., Chandra, S., Khan, L., Hamlen, K., Thuraisingham, B..  2018.  Automated Threat Report Classification over Multi-Source Data. 2018 IEEE 4th International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC). :236–245.

With an increase in targeted attacks such as advanced persistent threats (APTs), enterprise system defenders require comprehensive frameworks that allow them to collaborate and evaluate their defense systems against such attacks. MITRE has developed a framework which includes a database of different kill-chains, tactics, techniques, and procedures that attackers employ to perform these attacks. In this work, we leverage natural language processing techniques to extract attacker actions from threat report documents generated by different organizations and automatically classify them into standardized tactics and techniques, while providing relevant mitigation advisories for each attack. A naïve method to achieve this is by training a machine learning model to predict labels that associate the reports with relevant categories. In practice, however, sufficient labeled data for model training is not always readily available, so that training and test data come from different sources, resulting in bias. A naïve model would typically underperform in such a situation. We address this major challenge by incorporating an importance weighting scheme called bias correction that efficiently utilizes available labeled data, given threat reports, whose categories are to be automatically predicted. We empirically evaluated our approach on 18,257 real-world threat reports generated between year 2000 and 2018 from various computer security organizations to demonstrate its superiority by comparing its performance with an existing approach.

Buchmann, N., Rathgeb, C., Baier, H., Busch, C., Margraf, M..  2017.  Enhancing Breeder Document Long-Term Security Using Blockchain Technology. 2017 IEEE 41st Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). 2:744–748.

In contrast to electronic travel documents (e.g. ePassports), the standardisation of breeder documents (e.g. birth certificates), regarding harmonisation of content and contained security features is in statu nascendi. Due to the fact that breeder documents can be used as an evidence of identity and enable the application for electronic travel documents, they pose the weakest link in the identity life cycle and represent a security gap for identity management. In this work, we present a cost efficient way to enhance the long-term security of breeder documents by utilizing blockchain technology. A conceptual architecture to enhance breeder document long-term security and an introduction of the concept's constituting system components is presented. Our investigations provide evidence that the Bitcoin blockchain is most suitable for breeder document long-term security.

Joshi, M., Mittal, S., Joshi, K. P., Finin, T..  2017.  Semantically Rich, Oblivious Access Control Using ABAC for Secure Cloud Storage. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing (EDGE). :142–149.

Securing their critical documents on the cloud from data threats is a major challenge faced by organizations today. Controlling and limiting access to such documents requires a robust and trustworthy access control mechanism. In this paper, we propose a semantically rich access control system that employs an access broker module to evaluate access decisions based on rules generated using the organizations confidentiality policies. The proposed system analyzes the multi-valued attributes of the user making the request and the requested document that is stored on a cloud service platform, before making an access decision. Furthermore, our system guarantees an end-to-end oblivious data transaction between the organization and the cloud service provider using oblivious storage techniques. Thus, an organization can use our system to secure their documents as well as obscure their access pattern details from an untrusted cloud service provider.

Chen, C. K., Lan, S. C., Shieh, S. W..  2017.  Shellcode detector for malicious document hunting. 2017 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing. :527–528.

Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) attacks became a major network threat in recent years. Among APT attack techniques, sending a phishing email with malicious documents attached is considered one of the most effective ones. Although many users have the impression that documents are harmless, a malicious document may in fact contain shellcode to attack victims. To cope with the problem, we design and implement a malicious document detector called Forensor to differentiate malicious documents. Forensor integrates several open-source tools and methods. It first introspects file format to retrieve objects inside the documents, and then automatically decrypts simple encryption methods, e.g., XOR, rot and shift, commonly used in malware to discover potential shellcode. The emulator is used to verify the presence of shellcode. If shellcode is discovered, the file is considered malicious. The experiment used 9,000 benign files and more than 10,000 malware samples from a well-known sample sharing website. The result shows no false negative and only 2 false positives.

Lin, C. H., Tien, C. W., Chen, C. W., Tien, C. W., Pao, H. K..  2015.  Efficient spear-phishing threat detection using hypervisor monitor. 2015 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST). :299–303.

In recent years, cyber security threats have become increasingly dangerous. Hackers have fabricated fake emails to spoof specific users into clicking on malicious attachments or URL links in them. This kind of threat is called a spear-phishing attack. Because spear-phishing attacks use unknown exploits to trigger malicious activities, it is difficult to effectively defend against them. Thus, this study focuses on the challenges faced, and we develop a Cloud-threat Inspection Appliance (CIA) system to defend against spear-phishing threats. With the advantages of hardware-assisted virtualization technology, we use the CIA to develop a transparent hypervisor monitor that conceals the presence of the detection engine in the hypervisor kernel. In addition, the CIA also designs a document pre-filtering algorithm to enhance system performance. By inspecting PDF format structures, the proposed CIA was able to filter 77% of PDF attachments and prevent them from all being sent into the hypervisor monitor for deeper analysis. Finally, we tested CIA in real-world scenarios. The hypervisor monitor was shown to be a better anti-evasion sandbox than commercial ones. During 2014, CIA inspected 780,000 mails in a company with 200 user accounts, and found 65 unknown samples that were not detected by commercial anti-virus software.

B. Gu, Y. Fang, P. Jia, L. Liu, L. Zhang, M. Wang.  2015.  "A New Static Detection Method of Malicious Document Based on Wavelet Package Analysis". 2015 International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP). :333-336.

More and more advanced persistent threat attacks has happened since 2009. This kind of attacks usually use more than one zero-day exploit to achieve its goal. Most of the times, the target computer will execute malicious program after the user open an infected compound document. The original detection method becomes inefficient as the attackers using a zero-day exploit to structure these compound documents. Inspired by the detection method based on structural entropy, we apply wavelet analysis to malicious document detection system. In our research, we use wavelet analysis to extract features from the raw data. These features will be used todetect whether the compound document was embed malicious code.

Lomotey, R.K., Deters, R..  2014.  Terms Mining in Document-Based NoSQL: Response to Unstructured Data. Big Data (BigData Congress), 2014 IEEE International Congress on. :661-668.

Unstructured data mining has become topical recently due to the availability of high-dimensional and voluminous digital content (known as "Big Data") across the enterprise spectrum. The Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) have been employed over the past decades for content storage and management, but, the ever-growing heterogeneity in today's data calls for a new storage approach. Thus, the NoSQL database has emerged as the preferred storage facility nowadays since the facility supports unstructured data storage. This creates the need to explore efficient data mining techniques from such NoSQL systems since the available tools and frameworks which are designed for RDBMS are often not directly applicable. In this paper, we focused on topics and terms mining, based on clustering, in document-based NoSQL. This is achieved by adapting the architectural design of an analytics-as-a-service framework and the proposal of the Viterbi algorithm to enhance the accuracy of the terms classification in the system. The results from the pilot testing of our work show higher accuracy in comparison to some previously proposed techniques such as the parallel search.

Koch, S., John, M., Worner, M., Muller, A., Ertl, T..  2014.  VarifocalReader #x2014; In-Depth Visual Analysis of Large Text Documents. Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on. 20:1723-1732.

Interactive visualization provides valuable support for exploring, analyzing, and understanding textual documents. Certain tasks, however, require that insights derived from visual abstractions are verified by a human expert perusing the source text. So far, this problem is typically solved by offering overview-detail techniques, which present different views with different levels of abstractions. This often leads to problems with visual continuity. Focus-context techniques, on the other hand, succeed in accentuating interesting subsections of large text documents but are normally not suited for integrating visual abstractions. With VarifocalReader we present a technique that helps to solve some of these approaches' problems by combining characteristics from both. In particular, our method simplifies working with large and potentially complex text documents by simultaneously offering abstract representations of varying detail, based on the inherent structure of the document, and access to the text itself. In addition, VarifocalReader supports intra-document exploration through advanced navigation concepts and facilitates visual analysis tasks. The approach enables users to apply machine learning techniques and search mechanisms as well as to assess and adapt these techniques. This helps to extract entities, concepts and other artifacts from texts. In combination with the automatic generation of intermediate text levels through topic segmentation for thematic orientation, users can test hypotheses or develop interesting new research questions. To illustrate the advantages of our approach, we provide usage examples from literature studies.

Craig, P., Roa Seiler, N., Olvera Cervantes, A.D..  2014.  Animated Geo-temporal Clusters for Exploratory Search in Event Data Document Collections. Information Visualisation (IV), 2014 18th International Conference on. :157-163.

This paper presents a novel visual analytics technique developed to support exploratory search tasks for event data document collections. The technique supports discovery and exploration by clustering results and overlaying cluster summaries onto coordinated timeline and map views. Users can also explore and interact with search results by selecting clusters to filter and re-cluster the data with animation used to smooth the transition between views. The technique demonstrates a number of advantages over alternative methods for displaying and exploring geo-referenced search results and spatio-temporal data. Firstly, cluster summaries can be presented in a manner that makes them easy to read and scan. Listing representative events from each cluster also helps the process of discovery by preserving the diversity of results. Also, clicking on visual representations of geo-temporal clusters provides a quick and intuitive way to navigate across space and time simultaneously. This removes the need to overload users with the display of too many event labels at any one time. The technique was evaluated with a group of nineteen users and compared with an equivalent text based exploratory search engine.

Pal, S.K., Sardana, P., Sardana, A..  2014.  Efficient search on encrypted data using bloom filter. Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), 2014 International Conference on. :412-416.

Efficient and secure search on encrypted data is an important problem in computer science. Users having large amount of data or information in multiple documents face problems with their storage and security. Cloud services have also become popular due to reduction in cost of storage and flexibility of use. But there is risk of data loss, misuse and theft. Reliability and security of data stored in the cloud is a matter of concern, specifically for critical applications and ones for which security and privacy of the data is important. Cryptographic techniques provide solutions for preserving the confidentiality of data but make the data unusable for many applications. In this paper we report a novel approach to securely store the data on a remote location and perform search in constant time without the need for decryption of documents. We use bloom filters to perform simple as well advanced search operations like case sensitive search, sentence search and approximate search.

Mercy, S.S., Srikanth, G.U..  2014.  An efficient data security system for group data sharing in cloud system environment. Information Communication and Embedded Systems (ICICES), 2014 International Conference on. :1-4.

Cloud Computing delivers the service to the users by having reliable internet connection. In the secure cloud, services are stored and shared by multiple users because of less cost and data maintenance. Sharing the data is the vital intention of cloud data centres. On the other hand, storing the sensitive information is the privacy concern of the cloud. Cloud service provider has to protect the stored client's documents and applications in the cloud by encrypting the data to provide data integrity. Designing proficient document sharing among the group members in the cloud is the difficult task because of group user membership change and conserving document and group user identity confidentiality. To propose the fortified data sharing scheme in secret manner for providing efficient group revocation Advanced Encryption Standard scheme is used. Proposed System contributes efficient group authorization, authentication, confidentiality and access control and document security. To provide more data security Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm is used to encrypt the document. By asserting security and confidentiality in this proficient method securely share the document among the multiple cloud user.