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Ha\c silo\u glu, A., Bali, A..  2018.  Central Audit Logging Mechanism in Personal Data Web Services. 2018 6th International Symposium on Digital Forensic and Security (ISDFS). :1-3.

Personal data have been compiled and harnessed by a great number of establishments to execute their legal activities. Establishments are legally bound to maintain the confidentiality and security of personal data. Hence it is a requirement to provide access logs for the personal information. Depending on the needs and capacity, personal data can be opened to the users via platforms such as file system, database and web service. Web service platform is a popular alternative since it is autonomous and can isolate the data source from the user. In this paper, the way to log personal data accessed via web service method has been discussed. As an alternative to classical method in which logs were recorded and saved by client applications, a different mechanism of forming a central audit log with API manager has been investigated. By forging a model policy to exemplify central logging method, its advantages and disadvantages have been explored. It has been concluded in the end that this model could be employed in centrally recording audit logs.

Lampesberger, H..  2016.  An Incremental Learner for Language-Based Anomaly Detection in XML. 2016 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). :156–170.

The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a complex language, and consequently, XML-based protocols are susceptible to entire classes of implicit and explicit security problems. Message formats in XML-based protocols are usually specified in XML Schema, and as a first-line defense, schema validation should reject malformed input. However, extension points in most protocol specifications break validation. Extension points are wildcards and considered best practice for loose composition, but they also enable an attacker to add unchecked content in a document, e.g., for a signature wrapping attack. This paper introduces datatyped XML visibly pushdown automata (dXVPAs) as language representation for mixed-content XML and presents an incremental learner that infers a dXVPA from example documents. The learner generalizes XML types and datatypes in terms of automaton states and transitions, and an inferred dXVPA converges to a good-enough approximation of the true language. The automaton is free from extension points and capable of stream validation, e.g., as an anomaly detector for XML-based protocols. For dealing with adversarial training data, two scenarios of poisoning are considered: a poisoning attack is either uncovered at a later time or remains hidden. Unlearning can therefore remove an identified poisoning attack from a dXVPA, and sanitization trims low-frequent states and transitions to get rid of hidden attacks. All algorithms have been evaluated in four scenarios, including a web service implemented in Apache Axis2 and Apache Rampart, where attacks have been simulated. In all scenarios, the learned automaton had zero false positives and outperformed traditional schema validation.

Shahriar, H., Bond, W..  2017.  Towards an Attack Signature Generation Framework for Intrusion Detection Systems. 2017 IEEE 15th Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 15th Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, 3rd Intl Conf on Big Data Intelligence and Computing and Cyber Science and Technology Congress(DASC/PiCom/DataCom/CyberSciTech). :597–603.
Attacks on web services are major concerns and can expose organizations valuable information resources. Despite there are increasing awareness in secure programming, we still find vulnerabilities in web services. To protect deployed web services, it is important to have defense techniques. Signaturebased Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) have gained popularity to protect applications against attacks. However, signature IDSs have limited number of attack signatures. In this paper, we propose a Genetic Algorithm (GA)-based attack signature generation approach and show its application for web services. GA algorithm has the capability of generating new member from a set of initial population. We leverage this by generating new attack signatures at SOAP message level to overcome the challenge of limited number of attack signatures. The key contributions include defining chromosomes and fitness functions. The initial results show that the GA-based IDS can generate new signatures and complement the limitation of existing web security testing tools. The approach can generate new attack signatures for injection, privilege escalation, denial of service and information leakage.
Masood, A., Java, J..  2015.  Static analysis for web service security - Tools amp; techniques for a secure development life cycle. 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST). :1–6.

In this ubiquitous IoT (Internet of Things) era, web services have become a vital part of today's critical national and public sector infrastructure. With the industry wide adaptation of service-oriented architecture (SOA), web services have become an integral component of enterprise software eco-system, resulting in new security challenges. Web services are strategic components used by wide variety of organizations for information exchange on the internet scale. The public deployments of mission critical APIs opens up possibility of software bugs to be maliciously exploited. Therefore, vulnerability identification in web services through static as well as dynamic analysis is a thriving and interesting area of research in academia, national security and industry. Using OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) web services guidelines, this paper discusses the challenges of existing standards, and reviews new techniques and tools to improve services security by detecting vulnerabilities. Recent vulnerabilities like Shellshock and Heartbleed has shifted the focus of risk assessment to the application layer, which for majority of organization means public facing web services and web/mobile applications. RESTFul services have now become the new service development paradigm normal; therefore SOAP centric standards such as XML Encryption, XML Signature, WS-Security, and WS-SecureConversation are nearly not as relevant. In this paper we provide an overview of the OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities for web services, and discuss the potential static code analysis techniques to discover these vulnerabilities. The paper reviews the security issues targeting web services, software/program verification and security development lifecycle.

Sindhu, S.M., Kanchana, R..  2014.  Security solutions for Web Service attacks in a dynamic composition scenario. Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technologies (ICACCCT), 2014 International Conference on. :624-628.

Web Services can be invoked from anywhere through internet without having enough knowledge about the implementation details. In some cases, single service cannot accomplish user needs. One or more services must be composed which together satisfy the user needs. Therefore, security is the most important concern not only at single service level but also at composition level. Several attacks are possible on SOAP messages communicated among Web Services because of their standardized interfaces. Examples of Web Service attacks are oversize payload, SOAPAction spoofing, XML injection, WS-Addressing spoofing, etc. Most of the existing works provide solution to ensure basic security features of Web Services such as confidentiality, integrity, authentication, authorization, and non-repudiation. Very few of the existing works provide solutions such as schema validation and schema hardening for attacks on Web Services. But these solutions do not address and provide attack specific solutions for SOAP messages communicated between Web Service. Hence, it is proposed to provide solutions for two of the prevailing Web Service attacks. Since new types of Web Service attacks are evolving over time, the proposed security solutions are implemented as APIs that are pluggable in any server where the Web Service is deployed.

Chakaravarthi, S., Selvamani, K., Kanimozhi, S., Arya, P.K..  2014.  An intelligent agent based privacy preserving model for Web Service security. Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), 2014 IEEE 27th Canadian Conference on. :1-5.

Web Service (WS) plays an important role in today's word to provide effective services for humans and these web services are built with the standard of SOAP, WSDL & UDDI. This technology enables various service providers to register and service sender their intelligent agent based privacy preserving modelservices to utilize the service over the internet through pre established networks. Also accessing these services need to be secured and protected from various types of attacks in the network environment. Exchanging data between two applications on a secure channel is a challenging issue in today communication world. Traditional security mechanism such as secured socket layer (SSL), Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Internet Protocol Security (IP Sec) is able to resolve this problem partially, hence this research paper proposes the privacy preserving named as HTTPI to secure the communication more efficiently. This HTTPI protocol satisfies the QoS requirements, such as authentication, authorization, integrity and confidentiality in various levels of the OSI layers. This work also ensures the QoS that covers non functional characteristics like performance (throughput), response time, security, reliability and capacity. This proposed intelligent agent based model results in excellent throughput, good response time and increases the QoS requirements.