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Continuous Distributed Key Generation on Blockchain Based on BFT Consensus. 2020 3rd International Conference on Hot Information-Centric Networking (HotICN). :8—17.
2020. VSS (Verifiable Secret Sharing) protocols are used in a number of block-chain systems, such as Dfinity and Ouroboros to generate unpredicted random number flow, they can be used to determine the proposer list and the voting powers of the voters at each height. To prevent random numbers from being predicted and attackers from corrupting a sufficient number of participants to violate the underlying trust assumptions, updatable VSS protocol in distributed protocols is important. The updatable VSS universal setup is also a hot topic in zkSNARKS protocols such as Sonic [19]. The way that we make it updatable is to execute the share exchange process repeatedly on chain, this process is challenging to be implemented in asynchronous network model, because it involves the wrong shares and the complaints, it requires the participant has the same view towards the qualified key generators, we take this process on chain and rely on BFT consensus mechanism to solve this. The group secret is thus updatable on chain. This is an enhancement to Dfinity. Therefore, even if all the coefficients of the random polynomials of epoch n are leaked, the attacker can use them only in epoch n+2. And the threshold group members of the DKG protocol can be updated along with the updates of the staked accounts and nodes.
An Anonymous Conditional Privacy-Preserving Authentication Scheme for VANETs. 2019 IEEE 21st International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 17th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS). :1763—1770.
2019. Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have been growing rapidly because it can improve traffic safety and efficiency in transportation. In VANETs, messages are broadcast in wireless environment, which is vulnerable to be attacked in many ways. Accordingly, it is essential to authenticate the legitimation of vehicles to guarantee the performance of services. In this paper, we propose an anonymous conditional privacy-preserving authentication scheme based on message authentication code (MAC) for VANETs. With verifiable secret sharing (VSS), vehicles can obtain a group key for message generation and authentication after a mutual authentication phase. Security analysis and performance evaluation show that the proposed scheme satisfies basic security and privacy-preserving requirements and has a better performance compared with some existing schemes in terms of computational cost and communication overhead.