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Rate Adaptive Reconciliation Based on Reed-Solomon Codes. 2021 6th International Conference on Communication, Image and Signal Processing (CCISP). :245—249.
2021. Security of physical layer key generation is based on the randomness and reciprocity of wireless fading channel, which has attracted more and more attention in recent years. This paper proposes a rate adaptive key agreement scheme and utilizes the received signal strength (RSS) of the channel between two wireless devices to generate the key. In conventional information reconciliation process, the bit inconsistency rate is usually eliminated by using the filter method, which increases the possibility of exposing the generated key bit string. Building on the strengths of existing secret key extraction approaches, this paper develops a scheme that uses Reed-Solomon (RS) codes, one of forward error correction channel codes, for information reconciliation. Owing to strong error correction performance of RS codes, the proposed scheme can solve the problem of inconsistent key bit string in the process of channel sensing. At the same time, the composition of RS codes can help the scheme realize rate adaptation well due to the construction principle of error correction code, which can freely control the code rate and achieve the reconciliation method of different key bit string length. Through experiments, we find that when the number of inconsistent key bits is not greater than the maximum error correction number of RS codes, it can well meet the purpose of reconciliation.
Design of a Fully Automated Adaptive Quantization Technique for Vehicular Communication System Security. 2020 International Conference on Computer, Control, Electrical, and Electronics Engineering (ICCCEEE). :1–6.
2021. Recently, vehicular communications have been the focus of industry, research and development fields. There are many benefits of vehicular communications. It improves traffic management and put derivers in better control of their vehicles. Privacy and security protection are collective accountability in which all parties need to actively engage and collaborate to afford safe and secure communication environments. The primary objective of this paper is to exploit the RSS characteristic of physical layer, in order to generate a secret key that can securely be exchanged between legitimated communication vehicles. In this paper, secret key extraction from wireless channel will be the main focus of the countermeasures against VANET security attacks. The technique produces a high rate of bits stream while drop less amount of information. Information reconciliation is then used to remove dissimilarity of two initially extracted keys, to increase the uncertainty associated to the extracted bits. Five values are defined as quantization thresholds for the captured probes. These values are derived statistically, adaptively and randomly according to the readings obtained from the received signal strength.
Performance Analysis of Concatenated Error Correction Code in Secret Key Generation System. 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT). :270–275.
2019. Secret key generation from wireless channel is an emerging technique of physical layer security. At present, most of the secret key generation schemes use information reconciliation to obtain symmetric keys. This paper introduces a non-interactive information reconciliation scheme based on channel coding and stream encryption, and considering the error correction capability, we design a concatenated code of BCH and RS codes as channel coding. The performance of concatenated error correction code has been analyzed in this scheme. Then, we compare the concatenated code with first-level error correction code in different test environments. Extensive numerical simulations and experiments demonstrate that the decoding performance of this second-level concatenated code is better than the first-level error correction code, and it can also effectively eliminate third-party eavesdropping.