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Mufassa, Fauzil Halim, Anwar, Khoirul.  2019.  Extrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) Analysis for Short Polar Codes. 2019 Symposium on Future Telecommunication Technologies (SOFTT). 1:1–6.

Ze the quality of channels into either completely noisy or noieseless channels. This paper presents extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) analysis for iterative decoding of Polar codes to reveal the mechanism of channel transformation. The purpose of understanding the transformation process are to comprehend the placement process of information bit and frozen bit and to comprehend the security standard of Polar codes. Mutual information derived based on the concept of EXIT chart for check nodes and variable nodes of low density parity check (LDPC) codes and applied to Polar codes. This paper explores the quality of the polarized channels in finite blocklength. The finite block-length is of our interest since in the fifth telecommunications generation (5G) the block length is limited. This paper reveals the EXIT curve changes of Polar codes and explores the polarization characteristics, thus, high value of mutual informations for frozen bit are needed to be detectable. If it is the other way, the error correction capability of Polar codes would be drastically decreases. These results are expected to be a reference for developments of Polar codes for 5G technologies and beyond.