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Detection Defense against Primary User Emulation Attack in Dynamic Cognitive Radio Networks. 2019 Fifth International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (ICONSTEM). 1:505—510.
2019. Cognitive radio is a promising technology that intends on solving the spectrum scarcity problem by allocating free spectrum dynamically to the unlicensed Secondary Users (SUs) in order to establish coexistence between the licensed Primary User (PU) & SUs, without causing any interference to the incumbent transmission. Primary user emulation attack (PUEA) is one such major threat posed on spectrum sensing, which decreases the spectrum access probability. Detection and defense against PUEA is realized using Yardstick based Threshold Allocation technique (YTA), by assigning threshold level to the base station thereby efficiently enhancing the spectrum sensing ability in a dynamic CR network. The simulation is performed using NS2 and analysis by using X-graph. The results shows minimum interference to primary transmissions by letting SUs spontaneously predict the prospective spectrum availability and aiding in effective prevention of potential emulation attacks along with proficient improvement of throughput in a dynamic cognitive radio environment.
Physical Layer Security of a Two-Hop Mixed RF-FSO System in a Cognitive Radio Network. 2019 2nd West Asian Colloquium on Optical Wireless Communications (WACOWC). :167—170.
2019. In this paper, the physical layer (PHY)security performance of a dual-hop cooperative relaying in a cognitive-radio system in the presence of an eavesdropper is investigated. The dual-hop transmission is composed of an asymmetric radio frequency (RF)link and a free space optical (FSO)link. In the considered system, an unlicensed secondary user (SU)uses the spectrum which is shared by a licensed primary user (PU)in a controlled manner to keep the interference at PU receiver, below a predefined value. Furthermore, among M available relays, one relay with the best end-to-end signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR)is selected for transmission. It is assumed that all of the RF links follow Rayleigh fading and all of the FSO links follow Gamma-Gamma distribution. Simulations results for some important security metrics, such as the average secrecy capacity (SC), and secrecy outage probability (SOP)are presented, where some practical issues of FSO links such as atmospheric turbulence, and pointing errors are taken into consideration.