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Hahn, Sebastian, Reineke, Jan.  2018.  Design and Analysis of SIC: A Provably Timing-Predictable Pipelined Processor Core. 2018 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS). :469—481.

We introduce the strictly in-order core (SIC), a timing-predictable pipelined processor core. SIC is provably timing compositional and free of timing anomalies. This enables precise and efficient worst-case execution time (WCET) and multi-core timing analysis. SIC's key underlying property is the monotonicity of its transition relation w.r.t. a natural partial order on its microarchitectural states. This monotonicity is achieved by carefully eliminating some of the dependencies between consecutive instructions from a standard in-order pipeline design. SIC preserves most of the benefits of pipelining: it is only about 6-7% slower than a conventional pipelined processor. Its timing predictability enables orders-of-magnitude faster WCET and multi-core timing analysis than conventional designs.