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Wang, Xiaozhen.  2019.  Study on E-government Information Security in the Era of Big Data. 2019 IEEE 4th Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC). 1:2492—2496.

The government in the era of big data requires safer infrastructure, information storage and data application. As a result, security threats will be the bottleneck for e-government development. Based on the e-government hierarchy model, this thesis focuses on such information security threats as human effects, network technology defects and management deficiency facing the e-government system in the era of big data. On this basis, three solutions are put forward to improve e-government information security system. Firstly, enhance information security awareness and improve network technology of information management departments in the government; secondly, conduct proper information encryption by ensuring information confidentiality and identity authentication; thirdly, implement strict information management through isolation between intranet and extranet and united planning of e-government information management.