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Authentication Schemes and Security Issues in Internet Of Everything (IOE) Systems. 2020 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN). :342–345.
2020. Nowadays, Internet Of Everything (IOE) has demanded for a wide range of applications areas. IOE is started to replaces an Internet Of things (IOT). IOE is a combination of massive number of computing elements and sensors, people, processes and data through the Internet infrastructure. Device to Device communication and interfacing of Wireless Sensor network with IOE can makes any system as a Smart System. With the increased the use of Internet and Internet connected devices has opportunities for hackers to launch attacks on unprecedented scale and impact. The IOE can serve the varied security in the various sectors like manufacturing, agriculture, smart grid, payments, IoT gateways, healthcare and industrial ecosystems. To secure connections among people, process, data, and things, is a major challenge in Internet of Everything.. This paper focuses on various security Issues and Authentication Schemes in the IOE systems.
Challenges of IoT Based Smart-Government Development. 2018 IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech). :155—160.
2018. Smart governments are known as extensions of e-governments both built on the Internet of Things (IoT). In this paper, we classify smart governments into two types (1) new generation and (2) extended smart-government. We then put forth a framework for smart governments implementation and discuss the major challenges in its implementation showing security as the most prominent challenge in USA, mindscaping in Kuwait and investment in India.