Comparing with the traditional grid, energy internet will collect data widely and connect more broader. The analysis of electrical data use of Non-intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) can infer user behavior privacy. Consideration both data security and availability is a problem must be addressed. Due to its rigid and provable privacy guarantee, Differential Privacy has proverbially reached and applied to privacy preserving data release and data mining. Because of its high sensitivity, increases the noise directly will led to data unavailable. In this paper, we propose a differentially private mechanism to protect energy internet privacy. Our focus is the aggregated data be released by data owner after added noise in disaggregated data. The theoretically proves and experiments show that our scheme can achieve the purpose of privacy-preserving and data availability.
Information fusion deals with the integration and merging of data and information from multiple (heterogeneous) sources. In many cases, the information that needs to be fused has security classification. The result of the fusion process is then by necessity restricted with the strictest information security classification of the inputs. This has severe drawbacks and limits the possible dissemination of the fusion results. It leads to decreased situational awareness: the organization knows information that would enable a better situation picture, but since parts of the information is restricted, it is not possible to distribute the most correct situational information. In this paper, we take steps towards defining fusion and data mining processes that can be used even when all the underlying data that was used cannot be disseminated. The method we propose here could be used to produce a classifier where all the sensitive information has been removed and where it can be shown that an antagonist cannot even in principle obtain knowledge about the classified information by using the classifier or situation picture.
The growing popularity and development of data mining technologies bring serious threat to the security of individual,'s sensitive information. An emerging research topic in data mining, known as privacy-preserving data mining (PPDM), has been extensively studied in recent years. The basic idea of PPDM is to modify the data in such a way so as to perform data mining algorithms effectively without compromising the security of sensitive information contained in the data. Current studies of PPDM mainly focus on how to reduce the privacy risk brought by data mining operations, while in fact, unwanted disclosure of sensitive information may also happen in the process of data collecting, data publishing, and information (i.e., the data mining results) delivering. In this paper, we view the privacy issues related to data mining from a wider perspective and investigate various approaches that can help to protect sensitive information. In particular, we identify four different types of users involved in data mining applications, namely, data provider, data collector, data miner, and decision maker. For each type of user, we discuss his privacy concerns and the methods that can be adopted to protect sensitive information. We briefly introduce the basics of related research topics, review state-of-the-art approaches, and present some preliminary thoughts on future research directions. Besides exploring the privacy-preserving approaches for each type of user, we also review the game theoretical approaches, which are proposed for analyzing the interactions among different users in a data mining scenario, each of whom has his own valuation on the sensitive information. By differentiating the responsibilities of different users with respect to security of sensitive information, we would like to provide some useful insights into the study of PPDM.