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Pflanzner, T., Feher, Z., Kertesz, A..  2019.  A Crawling Approach to Facilitate Open IoT Data Archiving and Reuse. 2019 Sixth International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS). :235–242.
Several cloud providers have started to offer specific data management services by responding to the new trend called the Internet of Things (IoT). In recent years, we have already seen that cloud computing has managed to serve IoT needs for data retrieval, processing and visualization transparent for the user side. IoT-Cloud systems for smart cities and smart regions can be very complex, therefore their design and analysis should be supported by means of simulation. Nevertheless, the models used in simulation environments should be as close as to the real world utilization to provide reliable results. To facilitate such simulations, in earlier works we proposed an IoT trace archiving service called SUMMON that can be used to gather real world datasets, and to reuse them for simulation experiments. In this paper we provide an extension to SUMMON with an automated web crawling service that gathers IoT and sensor data from publicly available websites. We introduce the architecture and operation of this approach, and exemplify it utilization with three use cases. The provided archiving solution can be used by simulators to perform realistic evaluations.