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Xue, Bi.  2021.  Information Fusion and Intelligent Management of Industrial Internet of Things under the Background of Big Data. 2021 13th International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (ICMTMA). :68–71.
This paper summarizes the types and contents of enterprise big data information, analyzes the demand and characteristics of enterprise shared data information based on the Internet of things, and analyzes the current situation of enterprise big data fusion at home and abroad. Firstly, using the idea of the Internet of things for reference, the intelligent sensor is used as the key component of data acquisition, and the multi energy data acquisition technology is discussed. Then the data information of entity enterprises is taken as the research object and a low energy consumption transmission method based on data fusion mechanism for industrial ubiquitous Internet of things is proposed. Finally, a network monitoring and data fusion platform for the industrial Internet of things is implemented. The monitoring node networking and platform usability test are also performed. It is proved that the scheme can achieve multi parameter, real-time, high reliable network intelligent management.
Liu, W., Park, E. K., Krieger, U., Zhu, S. S..  2020.  Smart e-Health Security and Safety Monitoring with Machine Learning Services. 2020 29th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN). :1—6.

This research provides security and safety extensions to a blockchain based solution whose target is e-health. The Advanced Blockchain platform is extended with intelligent monitoring for security and machine learning for detecting patient treatment medication safety issues. For the reasons of stringent HIPAA, HITECH, EU-GDPR and other regional regulations dictating security, safety and privacy requirements, the e-Health blockchains have to cover mandatory disclosure of violations or enforcements of policies during transaction flows involving healthcare. Our service solution further provides the benefits of resolving the abnormal flows of a medical treatment process, providing accountability of the service providers, enabling a trust health information environment for institutions to handle medication safely, giving patients a better safety guarantee, and enabling the authorities to supervise the security and safety of e-Health blockchains. The capabilities can be generalized to support a uniform smart solution across industry in a variety of blockchain applications.

Wang, X., Li, J..  2018.  Design of Intelligent Home Security Monitoring System Based on Android. 2018 2nd IEEE Advanced Information Management,Communicates,Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IMCEC). :2621–2624.
In view of the problem that the health status and safety monitoring of the traditional intelligent home are mainly dependent on the manual inspection, this paper introduces the intelligent home-based remote monitoring system by introducing the Internet-based Internet of Things technology into the intelligent home condition monitoring and safety assessment. The system's Android remote operation based on the MVP model to develop applications, the use of neural networks to deal with users daily use of operational data to establish the network data model, combined with S3C2440A microcontrollers in the gateway to the embedded Linux to facilitate different intelligent home drivers development. Finally, the power line communication network is used to connect the intelligent electrical appliances to the gateway. By calculating the success rate of the routing nodes, the success rate of the network nodes of 15 intelligent devices is 98.33%. The system can intelligent home many electrical appliances at the same time monitoring, to solve the system data and network congestion caused by the problem can not he security monitoring.