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Haller, Istvan, Jeon, Yuseok, Peng, Hui, Payer, Mathias, Giuffrida, Cristiano, Bos, Herbert, van der Kouwe, Erik.  2016.  TypeSan: Practical Type Confusion Detection. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :517–528.

The low-level C++ programming language is ubiquitously used for its modularity and performance. Typecasting is a fundamental concept in C++ (and object-oriented programming in general) to convert a pointer from one object type into another. However, downcasting (converting a base class pointer to a derived class pointer) has critical security implications due to potentially different object memory layouts. Due to missing type safety in C++, a downcasted pointer can violate a programmer's intended pointer semantics, allowing an attacker to corrupt the underlying memory in a type-unsafe fashion. This vulnerability class is receiving increasing attention and is known as type confusion (or bad-casting). Several existing approaches detect different forms of type confusion, but these solutions are severely limited due to both high run-time performance overhead and low detection coverage. This paper presents TypeSan, a practical type-confusion detector which provides both low run-time overhead and high detection coverage. Despite improving the coverage of state-of-the-art techniques, TypeSan significantly reduces the type-confusion detection overhead compared to other solutions. TypeSan relies on an efficient per-object metadata storage service based on a compact memory shadowing scheme. Our scheme treats all the memory objects (i.e., globals, stack, heap) uniformly to eliminate extra checks on the fast path and relies on a variable compression ratio to minimize run-time performance and memory overhead. Our experimental results confirm that TypeSan is practical, even when explicitly checking almost all the relevant typecasts in a given C++ program. Compared to the state of the art, TypeSan yields orders of magnitude higher coverage at 4–10 times lower performance overhead on SPEC and 2 times on Firefox. As a result, our solution offers superior protection and is suitable for deployment in production software. Moreover, our highly efficient metadata storage back-end is potentially useful for other defenses that require memory object tracking.

Ng, Nicholas, Yoshida, Nobuko.  2016.  Static Deadlock Detection for Concurrent Go by Global Session Graph Synthesis. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Compiler Construction. :174–184.

Go is a programming language developed at Google, with channel-based concurrent features based on CSP. Go can detect global communication deadlocks at runtime when all threads of execution are blocked, but deadlocks in other paths of execution could be undetected. We present a new static analyser for concurrent Go code to find potential communication errors such as communication mismatch and deadlocks at compile time. Our tool extracts the communication operations as session types, which are then converted into Communicating Finite State Machines (CFSMs). Finally, we apply a recent theoretical result on choreography synthesis to generate a global graph representing the overall communication pattern of a concurrent program. If the synthesis is successful, then the program is free from communication errors. We have implemented the technique in a tool, and applied it to analyse common Go concurrency patterns and an open source application with over 700 lines of code.

Petullo, W.M., Wenyuan Fei, Solworth, J.A., Gavlin, P..  2014.  Ethos' Deeply Integrated Distributed Types. Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW), 2014 IEEE. :167-180.

Programming languages have long incorporated type safety, increasing their level of abstraction and thus aiding programmers. Type safety eliminates whole classes of security-sensitive bugs, replacing the tedious and error-prone search for such bugs in each application with verifying the correctness of the type system. Despite their benefits, these protections often end at the process boundary, that is, type safety holds within a program but usually not to the file system or communication with other programs. Existing operating system approaches to bridge this gap require the use of a single programming language or common language runtime. We describe the deep integration of type safety in Ethos, a clean-slate operating system which requires that all program input and output satisfy a recognizer before applications are permitted to further process it. Ethos types are multilingual and runtime-agnostic, and each has an automatically generated unique type identifier. Ethos bridges the type-safety gap between programs by (1) providing a convenient mechanism for specifying the types each program may produce or consume, (2) ensuring that each type has a single, distributed-system-wide recognizer implementation, and (3) inescapably enforcing these type constraints.