Several computer vision applications such as object detection and face recognition have started to completely rely on deep learning based architectures. These architectures, when paired with appropriate loss functions and optimizers, produce state-of-the-art results in a myriad of problems. On the other hand, with the advent of "blockchain", the cybersecurity industry has developed a new sense of trust which was earlier missing from both the technical and commercial perspectives. Employment of cryptographic hash as well as symmetric/asymmetric encryption and decryption algorithms ensure security without any human intervention (i.e., centralized authority). In this research, we present the synergy between the best of both these worlds. We first propose a model which uses the learned parameters of a typical deep neural network and is secured from external adversaries by cryptography and blockchain technology. As the second contribution of the proposed research, a new parameter tampering attack is proposed to properly justify the role of blockchain in machine learning.
Throughout the last few decades, a breakthrough took place in the field of autonomous robotics. They have been introduced to perform dangerous, dirty, difficult, and dull tasks, to serve the community. They have been also used to address health-care related tasks, such as enhancing the surgical skills of the surgeons and enabling surgeries in remote areas. This may help to perform operations in remote areas efficiently and in timely manner, with or without human intervention. One of the main advantages is that robots are not affected with human-related problems such as: fatigue or momentary lapses of attention. Thus, they can perform repeated and tedious operations. In this paper, we propose a framework to establish trust in autonomous medical robots based on mutual understanding and transparency in decision making.