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Ayub, Md. Ahsan, Smith, Steven, Siraj, Ambareen.  2019.  A Protocol Independent Approach in Network Covert Channel Detection. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) and IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC). :165—170.

Network covert channels are used in various cyberattacks, including disclosure of sensitive information and enabling stealth tunnels for botnet commands. With time and technology, covert channels are becoming more prevalent, complex, and difficult to detect. The current methods for detection are protocol and pattern specific. This requires the investment of significant time and resources into application of various techniques to catch the different types of covert channels. This paper reviews several patterns of network storage covert channels, describes generation of network traffic dataset with covert channels, and proposes a generic, protocol-independent approach for the detection of network storage covert channels using a supervised machine learning technique. The implementation of the proposed generic detection model can lead to a reduction of necessary techniques to prevent covert channel communication in network traffic. The datasets we have generated for experimentation represent storage covert channels in the IP, TCP, and DNS protocols and are available upon request for future research in this area.

Gao, Jiaqiong, Wang, Tao.  2019.  Research on the IPv6 Technical Defects and Countermeasures. 2019 International Conference on Computer Network, Electronic and Automation (ICCNEA). :165–170.
The current global Internet USES the TCP/IP protocol cluster, the current version is IPv4. The IPv4 is with 32-bit addresses, the maximum number of computers connected to the Internet in the world is 232. With the development of Internet of things, big data and cloud storage and other technologies, the limited address space defined by IPv4 has been exhausted. To expand the address space, the IETF designed the next generation IPv6 to replace IPv4. IPv6 using a 128-bit address length that provides almost unlimited addresses. However, with the development and application of the Internet of things, big data and cloud storage, IPv6 has some shortcomings in its addressing structure design; security and network compatibility, These technologies are gradually applied in recent years, the continuous development of new technologies application show that the IPv6 address structure design ideas have some fatal defects. This paper proposed a route to upgrade the original IPv4 by studying on the structure of IPv6 "spliced address", and point out the defects in the design of IPv6 interface ID and the potential problems such as security holes.
Rohmah, Y. N., Sudiharto, D. W., Herutomo, A..  2017.  The performance comparison of forwarding mechanism between IPv4 and Named Data Networking (NDN). Case study: A node compromised by the prefix hijack. 2017 3rd International Conference on Science in Information Technology (ICSITech). :302–306.

Named Data Networking (NDN) is a new network architecture design that led to the evolution of a network architecture based on data-centric. Questions have been raised about how to compare its performance with the old architecture such as IP network which is generally based on Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4). Differs with the old one, source and destination addresses in the delivery of data are not required on the NDN network because the addresses function is replaced by a data name (Name) which serves to identify the data uniquely. In a computer network, a network routing is an essential factor to support data communication. The network routing on IP network relies only on Routing Information Base (RIB) derived from the IP table on the router. So that, if there is a problem on the network such as there is one node exposed to a dangerous attack, the IP router should wait until the IP table is updated, and then the routing channel is changed. The issue of how to change the routing path without updating IP table has received considerable critical attention. The NDN network has an advantage such as its capability to execute an adaptive forwarding mechanism, which FIB (Forwarding Information Base) of the NDN router keeps information for routing and forwarding planes. Therefore, if there is a problem on the network, the NDN router can detect the problem more quickly than the IP router. The contribution of this study is important to explain the benefit of the forwarding mechanism of the NDN network compared to the IP network forwarding mechanism when there is a node which is suffered a hijack attack.

Yu, L., Wang, Q., Barrineau, G., Oakley, J., Brooks, R. R., Wang, K. C..  2017.  TARN: A SDN-based traffic analysis resistant network architecture. 2017 12th International Conference on Malicious and Unwanted Software (MALWARE). :91–98.
Destination IP prefix-based routing protocols are core to Internet routing today. Internet autonomous systems (AS) possess fixed IP prefixes, while packets carry the intended destination AS's prefix in their headers, in clear text. As a result, network communications can be easily identified using IP addresses and become targets of a wide variety of attacks, such as DNS/IP filtering, distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks, man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, etc. In this work, we explore an alternative network architecture that fundamentally removes such vulnerabilities by disassociating the relationship between IP prefixes and destination networks, and by allowing any end-to-end communication session to have dynamic, short-lived, and pseudo-random IP addresses drawn from a range of IP prefixes rather than one. The concept is seemingly impossible to realize in todays Internet. We demonstrate how this is doable today with three different strategies using software defined networking (SDN), and how this can be done at scale to transform the Internet addressing and routing paradigms with the novel concept of a distributed software defined Internet exchange (SDX). The solution works with both IPv4 and IPv6, whereas the latter provides higher degrees of IP addressing freedom. Prototypes based on Open vSwitches (OVS) have been implemented for experimentation across the PEERING BGP testbed. The SDX solution not only provides a technically sustainable pathway towards large-scale traffic analysis resistant network (TARN) support, it also unveils a new business model for customer-driven, customizable and trustable end-to-end network services.
Nikolenko, S. I., Kogan, K., Rétvári, G., Bérczi-Kovács, E. R., Shalimov, A..  2016.  How to represent IPv6 forwarding tables on IPv4 or MPLS dataplanes. 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). :521–526.

The Internet routing ecosystem is facing substantial scalability challenges on the data plane. Various “clean slate” architectures for representing forwarding tables (FIBs), such as IPv6, introduce additional constraints on efficient implementations from both lookup time and memory footprint perspectives due to significant classification width. In this work, we propose an abstraction layer able to represent IPv6 FIBs on existing IP and even MPLS infrastructure. Feasibility of the proposed representations is confirmed by an extensive simulation study on real IPv6 forwarding tables, including low-level experimental performance evaluation.

Gregr, M., Veda, M..  2014.  Challenges with Transition and User Accounting in Next Generation Networks. Network Protocols (ICNP), 2014 IEEE 22nd International Conference on. :501-503.

Future networks may change the way how network administrators monitor and account their users. History shows that usually a completely new design (clean slate) is used to propose a new network architecture - e.g. Network Control Protocol to TCP/IP, IPv4 to IPv6 or IP to Recursive Inter Network Architecture. The incompatibility between these architectures changes the user accounting process as network administrators have to use different information to identify a user. The paper presents a methodology how it is possible to gather all necessary information needed for smooth transition between two incompatible architectures. The transition from IPv4 and IPv6 is used as a use case, but it should be able to use the same process with any new networking architecture.