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Silva, J. L. da, Assis, M. M., Braga, A., Moraes, R..  2019.  Deploying Privacy as a Service within a Cloud-Based Framework. 2019 9th Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing (LADC). :1–4.
Continuous monitoring and risk assessment of privacy violations on cloud systems are needed by anyone who has business needs subject to privacy regulations. Compliance to such regulations in dynamic systems demands appropriate techniques, tools and instruments. As a Service concepts can be a good option to support this task. Previous work presented PRIVAaaS, a software toolkit that allows controlling and reducing data leakages, thus preserving privacy, by providing anonymization capabilities to query-based systems. This short paper discusses the implementation details and deployment environment of an evolution of PRIVAaaS as a MAPE-K control loop within the ATMOSPHERE Platform. ATMOSPHERE is both a framework and a platform enabling the implementation of trustworthy cloud services. By enabling PRIVAaaS within ATMOSPHERE, privacy is made one of several trustworthiness properties continuously monitored and assessed by the platform with a software-based, feedback control loop known as MAPE-K.