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On Some Universally Good Fractional Repetition Codes. 2020 International Conference on COMmunication Systems NETworkS (COMSNETS). :404—411.
2020. Data storage in Distributed Storage Systems (DSS) is a multidimensional optimization problem. Using network coding, one wants to provide reliability, scalability, security, reduced storage overhead, reduced bandwidth for repair and minimal disk I/O in such systems. Advances in the construction of optimal Fractional Repetition (FR) codes, a smart replication of encoded packets on n nodes which also provides optimized disk I/O and where a node failure can be repaired by contacting some specific set of nodes in the system, is in high demand. An attempt towards the construction of universally good FR codes using three different approaches is addressed in this work. In this paper, we present that the code constructed using the partial regular graph for heterogeneous DSS, where the number of packets on each node is different, is universally good. Further, we also encounter the list of parameters for which the ring construction and the T-construction results in universally good codes. In addition, we evaluate the FR code constructions meeting the minimum distance bound.