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Keshani, Mehdi.  2021.  Scalable Call Graph Constructor for Maven. 2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings (ICSE-Companion). :99—101.
As a rich source of data, Call Graphs are used for various applications including security vulnerability detection. Despite multiple studies showing that Call Graphs can drastically improve the accuracy of analysis, existing ecosystem-scale tools like Dependabot do not use Call Graphs and work at the package-level. Using Call Graphs in ecosystem use cases is not practical because of the scalability problems that Call Graph generators have. Call Graph generation is usually considered to be a "full program analysis" resulting in large Call Graphs and expensive computation. To make an analysis applicable to ecosystem scale, this pragmatic approach does not work, because the number of possible combinations of how a particular artifact can be combined in a full program explodes. Therefore, it is necessary to make the analysis incremental. There are existing studies on different types of incremental program analysis. However, none of them focuses on Call Graph generation for an entire ecosystem. In this paper, we propose an incremental implementation of the CHA algorithm that can generate Call Graphs on-demand, by stitching together partial Call Graphs that have been extracted for libraries before. Our preliminary evaluation results show that the proposed approach scales well and outperforms the most scalable existing framework called OPAL.
[Anonymous].  2018.  Breaking the Circuit-Size Barrier in Secret Sharing. STOC 2018.

{We study secret sharing schemes for general (non-threshold) access structures. A general secret sharing scheme for n parties is associated to a monotone function F:\0,1\n$\rightarrowłbrace$0,1\}. In such a scheme, a dealer distributes shares of a secret s among n parties. Any subset of parties T {$\subseteq$} [n] should be able to put together their shares and reconstruct the secret s if F(T)=1, and should have no information about s if F(T)=0. One of the major long-standing questions in information-theoretic cryptography is to minimize the (total) size of the shares in a secret-sharing scheme for arbitrary monotone functions F. There is a large gap between lower and upper bounds for secret sharing. The best known scheme for general F has shares of size 2n-o(n), but the best lower bound is {$Ømega$}(n2/logn). Indeed, the exponential share size is a direct result of the fact that in all known secret-sharing schemes, the share size grows with the size of a circuit (or formula, or monotone span program) for F. Indeed, several researchers have suggested the existence of a representation size barrier which implies that the right answer is closer to the upper bound, namely, 2n-o(n). In this work, we overcome this barrier by constructing a secret sharing scheme for any access structure with shares of size 20.994n and a linear secret sharing scheme for any access structure with shares of size 20.999n. As a contribution of independent interest, we also construct a secret sharing scheme with shares of size 2Õ({$\surd$}n) for 2n n/2 monotone access structures, out of a total of 2n n/2{$\cdot$} (1+O(logn/n)) of them. Our construction builds on recent works that construct better protocols for the conditional disclosure of secrets (CDS) problem.

Kannao, Raghvendra, Guha, Prithwijit.  2016.  Generic TV Advertisement Detection Using Progressively Balanced Perceptron Trees. Proceedings of the Tenth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing. :8:1–8:8.

Automatic detection of TV advertisements is of paramount importance for various media monitoring agencies. Existing works in this domain have mostly focused on news channels using news specific features. Most commercial products use near copy detection algorithms instead of generic advertisement classification. A generic detector needs to handle inter-class and intra-class imbalances present in data due to variability in content aired across channels and frequent repetition of advertisements. Imbalances present in data make classifiers biased towards one of the classes and thus require special treatment. We propose to use tree of perceptrons to solve this problem. The training data available for each perceptron node is balanced using cluster based over-sampling and TOMEK link cleaning as we traverse the tree downwards. The trained perceptron node then passes the original unbalanced data to its children. This process is repeated recursively till we reach the leaf nodes. We call this new algorithm as "Progressively Balanced Perceptron Tree". We have also contributed a TV advertisements dataset consisting of 250 hours of videos recorded from five non-news TV channels of different genres. Experimentations on this dataset have shown that the proposed approach has comparatively superior and balanced performance with respect to six baseline methods. Our proposal generalizes well across channels, with varying training data sizes and achieved a top F1-score of 97% in detecting advertisements.