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Web Caching Strategy Optimization Based on Ant Colony Optimization and Genetic Algorithm. 2021 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA). :75—81.
2021. Web caching is a strategy that can be used to speed up website access on the client-side. This strategy is implemented by storing as many popular web objects as possible on the cache server. All web objects stored on a cache server are called cached data. Requests for cached web data on the cache server are much faster than requests directly to the origin server. Not all web objects can fit on the cache server due to their limited capacity. Therefore, optimizing cached data in a web caching strategy will determine which web objects can enter the cache server to have maximum profit. This paper simulates a web caching strategy optimization with a knapsack problem approach using the Ant Colony optimization (ACO), Genetic Algorithm (GA), and a combination of the two. Knapsack profit is seen from the number of web objects that can be entered into the cache server but with the minimum objective function value. The simulation results show that the combination of ACO and GA is faster to produce an optimal solution and is not easily trapped by the local optimum.
SRVB cryptosystem: another attempt to revive Knapsack-based public-key encryption schemes. 2020 27th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT). :1–6.
2020. Public-key cryptography is a ubiquitous buildingblock of modern telecommunication technology. Among the most historically important, the knapsack-based encryption schemes, from the early years of public-key cryptography, performed particularly well in computational resources (time and memory), and mathematical and algorithmic simplicity. Although effective cryptanalyses readily curtailed their widespread adoption to several different attempts, the possibility of actual usage of knapsack-based asymmetric encryption schemes remains unsettled. This paper aims to present a novel construction that offers consistent security improvements on knapsack-based cryptography. We propose two improvements upon the original knapsack cryptosystem that address the most important types of attacks: the Diophantine approximationsbased attacks and the lattice problems oracle attacks. The proposed defences demonstrably preclude the types of attacks mentioned above, thus contributing to revive knapsack schemes or settle the matter negatively. Finally, we present the, a contest that is offering a prize for breaking our proposed cryptosystem.