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THIGA, M. M..  2020.  Increasing Participation and Security in Student Elections through Online Voting: The Case of Kabarak University. 2020 IST-Africa Conference (IST-Africa). :1—7.

Electronic voting systems have enhanced efficiency in student elections management in universities, supporting such elections to become less expensive, logistically simple, with higher accuracy levels as compared to manually conducted elections. However, e-voting systems that are confined to campus hall voting inhibits access to eligible voters who are away from campus. This study examined the challenges of lack of wide access and impersonation of voter in the student elections of 2018 in Kabarak University. The main objective of this study was therefore to upgrade the offline electronic voting system through developing a secure online voting system and deploying the system for use in the 2019 student elections at Kabarak University. The resultant system and development process employed demonstrate the applicability of a secure online voting not only in the higher education context, but also in other democracies where infusion of online access and authentication in the voting processes is a requisite.

Mihailescu, M. I., Nita, S. Loredana.  2020.  Three-Factor Authentication Scheme Based on Searchable Encryption and Biometric Fingerprint. 2020 13th International Conference on Communications (COMM). :139–144.

The current paper is proposing a three-factor authentication (3FA) scheme based on three components. In the first component a token and a password will be generated (this module represents the kernel of the three-factor authentication scheme - 3FA). In the second component a pass-code will be generated, using to the token resulted in the first phase. We will use RSA for encryption and decryption of the generated values (token and pass-code). For the token ID and passcode the user will use his smartphone. The third component uses a searchable encryption scheme, whose purpose is to retrieve the documents of the user from the cloud server, based on a keyword and his/her fingerprint. The documents are stored encrypted on a mistrust server (cloud environment) and searchable encryption will help us to search specific information and to access those documents in an encrypted content. We will introduce also a software simulation developed in C\# 8.0 for our scheme and a source code analysis for the main algorithms.