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Ataques de phishing y cómo prevenirlos Phishing attacks and how to prevent them. 2022 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). :1–6.
2022. The vertiginous technological advance related to globalization and the new digital era has led to the design of new techniques and tools that deal with the risks of technology and information. Terms such as "cybersecurity" stand out, which corresponds to that area of computer science that is responsible for the development and implementation of information protection mechanisms and technological infrastructure, in order to deal with cyberattacks. Phishing is a crime that uses social engineering and technical subterfuge to steal personal identity data and financial account credentials from users, representing a high economic and financial risk worldwide, both for individuals and for large organizations. The objective of this research is to determine the ways to prevent phishing, by analyzing the characteristics of this computer fraud, the various existing modalities and the main prevention strategies, in order to increase the knowledge of users about this. subject, highlighting the importance of adequate training that allows establishing efficient mechanisms to detect and block phishing.
ISSN: 2166-0727
Game-Theoretic Approach to Self-Regulation of Dynamic Network Infrastructure to Protect Against Cyber Attacks. 2020 International Scientific and Technical Conference Modern Computer Network Technologies (MoNeTeC). :1–7.
2020. The paper presents the concept of applying a game theory approach in infrastructure of wireless dynamic networks to counter computer attacks. The applying of this approach will allow to create mechanism for adaptive reconfiguration of network structure in the context of implementation various types of computer attacks and to provide continuous operation of network even in conditions of destructive information impacts.