Over the last few years, there has been an increasing number of studies about facial emotion recognition because of the importance and the impact that it has in the interaction of humans with computers. With the growing number of challenging datasets, the application of deep learning techniques have all become necessary. In this paper, we study the challenges of Emotion Recognition Datasets and we also try different parameters and architectures of the Conventional Neural Networks (CNNs) in order to detect the seven emotions in human faces, such as: anger, fear, disgust, contempt, happiness, sadness and surprise. We have chosen iCV MEFED (Multi-Emotion Facial Expression Dataset) as the main dataset for our study, which is relatively new, interesting and very challenging.
One of the most efficient tool for human face recognition is neural networks. However, the result of recognition can be spoiled by facial expressions and other deviation from the canonical face representation. In this paper, we propose a resampling method of human faces represented by 3D point clouds. The method is based on a non-rigid Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm. To improve the facial recognition performance, we use a combination of the proposed method and convolutional neural network (CNN). Computer simulation results are provided to illustrate the performance of the proposed method.