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El-Allami, Rida, Marchisio, Alberto, Shafique, Muhammad, Alouani, Ihsen.  2021.  Securing Deep Spiking Neural Networks against Adversarial Attacks through Inherent Structural Parameters. 2021 Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference Exhibition (DATE). :774–779.
Deep Learning (DL) algorithms have gained popularity owing to their practical problem-solving capacity. However, they suffer from a serious integrity threat, i.e., their vulnerability to adversarial attacks. In the quest for DL trustworthiness, recent works claimed the inherent robustness of Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) to these attacks, without considering the variability in their structural spiking parameters. This paper explores the security enhancement of SNNs through internal structural parameters. Specifically, we investigate the SNNs robustness to adversarial attacks with different values of the neuron's firing voltage thresholds and time window boundaries. We thoroughly study SNNs security under different adversarial attacks in the strong white-box setting, with different noise budgets and under variable spiking parameters. Our results show a significant impact of the structural parameters on the SNNs' security, and promising sweet spots can be reached to design trustworthy SNNs with 85% higher robustness than a traditional non-spiking DL system. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that investigates the impact of structural parameters on SNNs robustness to adversarial attacks. The proposed contributions and the experimental framework is available online 11 to the community for reproducible research.
Venceslai, Valerio, Marchisio, Alberto, Alouani, Ihsen, Martina, Maurizio, Shafique, Muhammad.  2020.  NeuroAttack: Undermining Spiking Neural Networks Security through Externally Triggered Bit-Flips. 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). :1–8.

Due to their proven efficiency, machine-learning systems are deployed in a wide range of complex real-life problems. More specifically, Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) emerged as a promising solution to the accuracy, resource-utilization, and energy-efficiency challenges in machine-learning systems. While these systems are going mainstream, they have inherent security and reliability issues. In this paper, we propose NeuroAttack, a cross-layer attack that threatens the SNNs integrity by exploiting low-level reliability issues through a high-level attack. Particularly, we trigger a fault-injection based sneaky hardware backdoor through a carefully crafted adversarial input noise. Our results on Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) and SNNs show a serious integrity threat to state-of-the art machine-learning techniques.

Marchisio, A., Nanfa, G., Khalid, F., Hanif, M. A., Martina, M., Shafique, M..  2020.  Is Spiking Secure? A Comparative Study on the Security Vulnerabilities of Spiking and Deep Neural Networks 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). :1–8.
Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) claim to present many advantages in terms of biological plausibility and energy efficiency compared to standard Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). Recent works have shown that DNNs are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, i.e., small perturbations added to the input data can lead to targeted or random misclassifications. In this paper, we aim at investigating the key research question: "Are SNNs secure?" Towards this, we perform a comparative study of the security vulnerabilities in SNNs and DNNs w.r.t. the adversarial noise. Afterwards, we propose a novel black-box attack methodology, i.e., without the knowledge of the internal structure of the SNN, which employs a greedy heuristic to automatically generate imperceptible and robust adversarial examples (i.e., attack images) for the given SNN. We perform an in-depth evaluation for a Spiking Deep Belief Network (SDBN) and a DNN having the same number of layers and neurons (to obtain a fair comparison), in order to study the efficiency of our methodology and to understand the differences between SNNs and DNNs w.r.t. the adversarial examples. Our work opens new avenues of research towards the robustness of the SNNs, considering their similarities to the human brain's functionality.