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El-Korashy, Akram, Blanco, Roberto, Thibault, Jérémy, Durier, Adrien, Garg, Deepak, Hritcu, Catalin.  2022.  SecurePtrs: Proving Secure Compilation with Data-Flow Back-Translation and Turn-Taking Simulation. 2022 IEEE 35th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). :64–79.

Proving secure compilation of partial programs typically requires back-translating an attack against the compiled program to an attack against the source program. To prove back-translation, one can syntactically translate the target attacker to a source one-i.e., syntax-directed back-translation-or show that the interaction traces of the target attacker can also be emitted by source attackers—i.e., trace-directed back-translation. Syntax-directed back-translation is not suitable when the target attacker may use unstructured control flow that the source language cannot directly represent. Trace-directed back-translation works with such syntactic dissimilarity because only the external interactions of the target attacker have to be mimicked in the source, not its internal control flow. Revealing only external interactions is, however, inconvenient when sharing memory via unforgeable pointers, since information about shared pointers stashed in private memory is not present on the trace. This made prior proofs unnecessarily complex, since the generated attacker had to instead stash all reachable pointers. In this work, we introduce more informative data-flow traces, combining the best of syntax- and trace-directed back-translation in a simpler technique that handles both syntactic dissimilarity and memory sharing well, and that is proved correct in Coq. Additionally, we develop a novel turn-taking simulation relation and use it to prove a recomposition lemma, which is key to reusing compiler correctness in such secure compilation proofs. We are the first to mechanize such a recomposition lemma in the presence of memory sharing. We use these two innovations in a secure compilation proof for a code generation compiler pass between a source language with structured control flow and a target language with unstructured control flow, both with safe pointers and components.

Li, Bingzhe, Du, David.  2021.  WAS-Deletion: Workload-Aware Secure Deletion Scheme for Solid-State Drives. 2021 IEEE 39th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD). :244–247.
Due to the intrinsic properties of Solid-State Drives (SSDs), invalid data remain in SSDs before erased by a garbage collection process, which increases the risk of being attacked by adversaries. Previous studies use erase and cryptography based schemes to purposely delete target data but face extremely large overhead. In this paper, we propose a Workload-Aware Secure Deletion scheme, called WAS-Deletion, to reduce the overhead of secure deletion by three major components. First, the WAS-Deletion scheme efficiently splits invalid and valid data into different blocks based on workload characteristics. Second, the WAS-Deletion scheme uses a new encryption allocation scheme, making the encryption follow the same direction as the write on multiple blocks and vertically encrypts pages with the same key in one block. Finally, a new adaptive scheduling scheme can dynamically change the configurations of different regions to further reduce secure deletion overhead based on the current workload. The experimental results indicate that the newly proposed WAS-Deletion scheme can reduce the secure deletion cost by about 1.2x to 12.9x compared to previous studies.
Sun, Yixin, Jee, Kangkook, Sivakorn, Suphannee, Li, Zhichun, Lumezanu, Cristian, Korts-Parn, Lauri, Wu, Zhenyu, Rhee, Junghwan, Kim, Chung Hwan, Chiang, Mung et al..  2020.  Detecting Malware Injection with Program-DNS Behavior. 2020 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS P). :552–568.
Analyzing the DNS traffic of Internet hosts has been a successful technique to counter cyberattacks and identify connections to malicious domains. However, recent stealthy attacks hide malicious activities within seemingly legitimate connections to popular web services made by benign programs. Traditional DNS monitoring and signature-based detection techniques are ineffective against such attacks. To tackle this challenge, we present a new program-level approach that can effectively detect such stealthy attacks. Our method builds a fine-grained Program-DNS profile for each benign program that characterizes what should be the “expected” DNS behavior. We find that malware-injected processes have DNS activities which significantly deviate from the Program-DNS profile of the benign program. We then develop six novel features based on the Program-DNS profile, and evaluate the features on a dataset of over 130 million DNS requests collected from a real-world enterprise and 8 million requests from malware-samples executed in a sandbox environment. We compare our detection results with that of previously-proposed features and demonstrate that our new features successfully detect 190 malware-injected processes which fail to be detected by previously-proposed features. Overall, our study demonstrates that fine-grained Program-DNS profiles can provide meaningful and effective features in building detectors for attack campaigns that bypass existing detection systems.
Wesemeyer, Stephan, Boureanu, Ioana, Smith, Zach, Treharne, Helen.  2020.  Extensive Security Verification of the LoRaWAN Key-Establishment: Insecurities Patches. 2020 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS P). :425–444.
LoRaWAN (Low-power Wide-Area Networks) is the main specification for application-level IoT (Internet of Things). The current version, published in October 2017, is LoRaWAN 1.1, with its 1.0 precursor still being the main specification supported by commercial devices such as PyCom LoRa transceivers. Prior (semi)-formal investigations into the security of the LoRaWAN protocols are scarce, especially for Lo-RaWAN 1.1. Moreover, amongst these few, the current encodings [4], [9] of LoRaWAN into verification tools unfortunately rely on much-simplified versions of the LoRaWAN protocols, undermining the relevance of the results in practice. In this paper, we fill in some of these gaps. Whilst we briefly discuss the most recent cryptographic-orientated works [5] that looked at LoRaWAN 1.1, our true focus is on producing formal analyses of the security and correctness of LoRaWAN, mechanised inside automated tools. To this end, we use the state-of-the-art prover, Tamarin. Importantly, our Tamarin models are a faithful and precise rendering of the LoRaWAN specifications. For example, we model the bespoke nonce-generation mechanisms newly introduced in LoRaWAN 1.1, as well as the “classical” but shortdomain nonces in LoRaWAN 1.0 and make recommendations regarding these. Whilst we include small parts on device-commissioning and application-level traffic, we primarily scrutinise the Join Procedure of LoRaWAN, and focus on version 1.1 of the specification, but also include an analysis of Lo-RaWAN 1.0. To this end, we consider three increasingly strong threat models, resting on a Dolev-Yao attacker acting modulo different requirements made on various channels (e.g., secure/insecure) and the level of trust placed on entities (e.g., honest/corruptible network servers). Importantly, one of these threat models is exactly in line with the LoRaWAN specification, yet it unfortunately still leads to attacks. In response to the exhibited attacks, we propose a minimal patch of the LoRaWAN 1.1 Join Procedure, which is as backwards-compatible as possible with the current version. We analyse and prove this patch secure in the strongest threat model mentioned above. This work has been responsibly disclosed to the LoRa Alliance, and we are liaising with the Security Working Group of the LoRa Alliance, in order to improve the clarity of the LoRaWAN 1.1 specifications in light of our findings, but also by using formal analysis as part of a feedback-loop of future and current specification writing.
Bosio, Alberto, Canal, Ramon, Di Carlo, Stefano, Gizopoulos, Dimitris, Savino, Alessandro.  2020.  Cross-Layer Soft-Error Resilience Analysis of Computing Systems. 2020 50th Annual IEEE-IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks-Supplemental Volume (DSN-S). :79—79.
In a world with computation at the epicenter of every activity, computing systems must be highly resilient to errors even if miniaturization makes the underlying hardware unreliable. Techniques able to guarantee high reliability are associated to high costs. Early resilience analysis has the potential to support informed design decisions to maximize system-level reliability while minimizing the associated costs. This tutorial focuses on early cross-layer (hardware and software) resilience analysis considering the full computing continuum (from IoT/CPS to HPC applications) with emphasis on soft errors.