Emerging computing relies heavily on secure backend storage for the massive size of big data originating from the Internet of Things (IoT) smart devices to the Cloud-hosted web applications. Structured Query Language (SQL) Injection Attack (SQLIA) remains an intruder's exploit of choice to pilfer confidential data from the back-end database with damaging ramifications. The existing approaches were all before the new emerging computing in the context of the Internet big data mining and as such will lack the ability to cope with new signatures concealed in a large volume of web requests over time. Also, these existing approaches were strings lookup approaches aimed at on-premise application domain boundary, not applicable to roaming Cloud-hosted services' edge Software-Defined Network (SDN) to application endpoints with large web request hits. Using a Machine Learning (ML) approach provides scalable big data mining for SQLIA detection and prevention. Unfortunately, the absence of corpus to train a classifier is an issue well known in SQLIA research in applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. This paper presents an application context pattern-driven corpus to train a supervised learning model. The model is trained with ML algorithms of Two-Class Support Vector Machine (TC SVM) and Two-Class Logistic Regression (TC LR) implemented on Microsoft Azure Machine Learning (MAML) studio to mitigate SQLIA. This scheme presented here, then forms the subject of the empirical evaluation in Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve.
Machine learning (ML) plays a central role in the solution of many security problems, for example enabling malicious and innocent activities to be rapidly and accurately distinguished and appropriate actions to be taken. Unfortunately, a standard assumption in ML - that the training and test data are identically distributed - is typically violated in security applications, leading to degraded algorithm performance and reduced security. Previous research has attempted to address this challenge by developing ML algorithms which are either robust to differences between training and test data or are able to predict and account for these differences. This paper adopts a different approach, developing a class of moving target (MT) defenses that are difficult for adversaries to reverse-engineer, which in turn decreases the adversaries' ability to generate training/test data differences that benefit them. We leverage the coevolutionary relationship between attackers and defenders to derive a simple, flexible MT defense strategy which is optimal or nearly optimal for a broad range of security problems. Case studies involving two distinct cyber defense applications demonstrate that the proposed MT algorithm outperforms standard static methods, offering effective defense against intelligent, adaptive adversaries.