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Raja, S. Kanaga Suba, Sathya, A., Priya, L..  2020.  A Hybrid Data Access Control Using AES and RSA for Ensuring Privacy in Electronic Healthcare Records. 2020 International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS). :1—5.
In the current scenario, the data owners would like to access data from anywhere and anytime. Hence, they will store their data in public or private cloud along with encryption and particular set of attributes to access control on the cloud data. While uploading the data into public or private cloud they will assign some attribute set to their data. If any authorized cloud user wants to download their data they should enter that particular attribute set to perform further actions on the data owner's data. A cloud user wants to register their details under cloud organization to access the data owner's data. Users wants to submit their details as attributes along with their designation. Based on the Users details Semi-Trusted Authority generates decryption keys to get control on owner's data. A user can perform a lot of operation over the cloud data. If the user wants to read the cloud data he needs to be entering some read related, and if he wants to write the data he needs to be entering write related attribute. For each and every action user in an organization would be verified with their unique attribute set. These attributes will be stored by the admins to the authorized users in cloud organization. These attributes will be stored in the policy files in a cloud. Along with this attribute,a rule based engine is used, to provide the access control to user. If any user leaks their decryption key to the any malicious user data owners wants to trace by sending audit request to auditor and auditor will process the data owners request and concludes that who is the convict.