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Trust Based Mechanism Using Multicast Routing in RPL for the Internet of Things. 2020 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN). :392–397.
2020. RPL, the IPv6 Routing Protocol for low-power and lossy networks, was standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in 2011. It is developed to connect resource constrained devices enabled by low-power and lossy networks (LLNs). RPL prominently becomes the routing protocol for IoT. However, the RPL protocol is facing many challenges such as trustworthiness among the nodes which need to be addressed and resolved to make the network secure and efficient. In this paper, a multicasting technique is developed that is based on trust mechanism to resolve this issue. This mechanism manages and protects the network from untrusted nodes which can hamper the security and result in delayed and distorted transmission of data. It allows any node to decide whether to trust other nodes or not during the construction of the topology. This is then proved efficient by comparing it with broadcasting nature of the transmission among the nodes in terms of energy, throughput, percentage of alive and dead nodes.