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3CL-Net: A Four-in-One Networking Paradigm for 6G System. 2022 5th International Conference on Hot Information-Centric Networking (HotICN). :132–136.
2022. The 6G wireless communication networks are being studied to build a powerful networking system with global coverage, enhanced spectral/energy/cost efficiency, better intelligent level and security. This paper presents a four-in-one networking paradigm named 3CL-Net that would broaden and strengthen the capabilities of current networking by introducing ubiquitous computing, caching, and intelligence over the communication connection to build 6G-required capabilities. To evaluate the practicability of 3CL-Net, this paper designs a platform based on the 3CL-Net architecture. The platform adopts leader-followers structure that could support all functions of 3CL-Net, but separate missions of 3CL-Net into two parts. Moreover, this paper has implemented part of functions as a prototype, on which some experiments are carried out. The results demonstrate that 3CL-Net is potential to be a practical and effective network paradigm to meet future requirements, meanwhile, 3CL-Net could motivate designs of related platforms as well.
ISSN: 2831-4395
Exploration of the principle of 6G communication technology and its development prospect. 2022 International Conference on Electronics and Devices, Computational Science (ICEDCS). :100–103.
2022. Nowadays, 5G has been widely used in various fields. People are starting to turn their attention to 6G. Therefore, at the beginning, this paper describes in detail the principle and performance of 6G, and introduces the key technologies of 6G, Cavity technology and THz technology. Based on the high-performance indicators of 6G, we then study the possible application changes brought by 6G, for example, 6G technology will make remote surgery and remote control possible. 6G technology will make remote surgery and remote control possible. 6G will speed up the interconnection of everything, allowing closer and faster connection between cars. Next, virtual reality is discussed. 6G technology will enable better development of virtual reality technology and enhance people's immersive experience. Finally, we present the issues that need to be addressed with 6G technology, such as cybersecurity issues and energy requirements. As well as the higher challenges facing 6G technology, such as connectivity and communication on a larger social plane.
6G toward Metaverse: Technologies, Applications, and Challenges. 2022 IEEE VTS Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS). :6–10.
2022. Metaverse opens up a new social networking paradigm where people can experience a real interactive feeling without physical space constraints. Social interactions are gradually evolving from text combined with pictures and videos to 3-dimensional virtual reality, making the social experience increasingly physical, implying that more metaverse applications with immersive experiences will be developed in the future. However, the increasing data dimensionality and volume for new metaverse applications present a significant challenge in data acquisition, security, and sharing. Furthermore, metaverse applications require high capacity and ultrareliability for the wireless system to guarantee the quality of user experience, which cannot be addressed in the current fifth-generation system. Therefore, reaching the metaverse is dependent on the revolution in the sixth-generation (6G) wireless communication, which is expected to provide low-latency, high-throughput, and secure services. This article provides a comprehensive view of metaverse applications and investigates the fundamental technologies for the 6G toward metaverse.
Potential Security Concerns at the Physical Layer of 6G Cellular Systems. 2022 13th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :981–984.
2022. In this short position paper, we discuss several potential security concerns that can be found at the physical layer of 6th-generation (6G) cellular networks. Discussion on 6G cellular networks is still at its early stage and thus several candidate radio technologies have been proposed but no single technology has yet been finally selected for 6G systems. Among several radio technologies, we focus on three promising ones for 6G physical-layer technologies: reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS), Open-RAN (O-RAN), and full-duplex radios. We hope this position paper will spark more active discussion on the security concerns in these new radio technologies.
ISSN: 2162-1241
Robust and Resilient Federated Learning for Securing Future Networks. 2022 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit (EuCNC/6G Summit). :351—356.
2022. Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques are widely adopted in the telecommunication industry, especially to automate beyond 5G networks. Federated Learning (FL) recently emerged as a distributed ML approach that enables localized model training to keep data decentralized to ensure data privacy. In this paper, we identify the applicability of FL for securing future networks and its limitations due to the vulnerability to poisoning attacks. First, we investigate the shortcomings of state-of-the-art security algorithms for FL and perform an attack to circumvent FoolsGold algorithm, which is known as one of the most promising defense techniques currently available. The attack is launched with the addition of intelligent noise at the poisonous model updates. Then we propose a more sophisticated defense strategy, a threshold-based clustering mechanism to complement FoolsGold. Moreover, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the impact of the attack scenario and the performance of the defense mechanism.
6G Security Challenges and Opportunities. 2022 IEEE 13th International Conference on Mechanical and Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies (ICMIMT). :339–343.
2022. The Sixth Generation (6G) is currently under development and it is a planned successor of the Fifth Generation (5G). It is a new wireless communication technology expected to have a greater coverage area, significant fast and a higher data rate. The aim of this paper is to examine the literature on challenges and possible solutions of 6G's security, privacy and trust. It uses the systematic literature review technique by searching five research databases for search engines which are precise keywords like “6G,” “6G Wireless communication,” and “sixth generation”. The latter produced a total of 1856 papers, then the security, privacy and trust issues of the 6G wireless communication were extracted. Two security issues, the artificial intelligence and visible light communication, were apparent. In conclusion, there is a need for new paradigms that will provide a clear 6G security solutions.
Decentralized Identifiers and Self-Sovereign Identity - A New Identity Management for 6G Integration? : MobileCloud 2021 Invited Talk 2021 IEEE International Conference on Joint Cloud Computing (JCC). :71–71.
2021. Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) are emerging decentralized identity solutions. DIDs allow legal entities like organizations to create and fully control their identifiers while building the necessary infrastructure for SSI, enabling entities like persons, organizations, or machines to fully control and own their digital identities without the involvement of an intermediate central authority. DIDs are identifiers that are used to reference entities unambiguously and, together with DID Documents stored in a verifiable data registry, establish a new, decentralized public-key infrastructure. An SSI-based digital identity may be composed of many different claims certified by an issuer. Examples are the identity holder’s name, age, gender, university degree, driving license, or other attributes. What makes SSI unique compared to other identity management solutions is that the users keep their digital identities in storage of their choice and thus determine their distribution and processing.With this privacy-by-design approach, the emergence of DIDs and SSI can shape the architecture of the future Internet and its applications, which will impact the future of mobile networks. While 5G networks are currently being rolled out, a discussion about the new capabilities of 6G networks, which are still in the distant future, has long since begun. In addition to even faster access, shorter delays, and new applications, features such as human-centricity, data protection, and privacy are being addressed in particular in the discussions. These latter points make DIDs, SSI, and related concepts and architectures promising candidates for 6G adoption.The talk gives a brief introduction to DIDs and SSI and then discusses the benefits and drawbacks the integration of these technologies into 6G may have. Furthermore, the talk identifies different use cases and identifies the system components and functions of cellular networks affected by a 6G integration.
A Vision to Software-Centric Cloud Native Network Functions: Achievements and Challenges. 2021 IEEE 22nd International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR). :1—7.
2021. Network slicing qualitatively transforms network infrastructures such that they have maximum flexibility in the context of ever-changing service requirements. While the agility of cloud native network functions (CNFs) demonstrates significant promise, virtualization and softwarization severely degrade the performance of such network functions. Considerable efforts were expended to improve the performance of virtualized systems, and at this stage 10 Gbps throughput is a real target even for container/VM-based applications. Nonetheless, the current performance of CNFs with state-of-the-art enhancements does not meet the performance requirements of next-generation 6G networks that aim for terabit-class throughput. The present pace of performance enhancements in hardware indicates that straightforward optimization of existing system components has limited possibility of filling the performance gap. As it would be reasonable to expect a single silver-bullet technology to dramatically enhance the ability of CNFs, an organic integration of various data-plane technologies with a comprehensive vision is a potential approach. In this paper, we show a future vision of system architecture for terabit-class CNFs based on effective harmonization of the technologies within the wide-range of network systems consisting of commodity hardware devices. We focus not only on the performance aspect of CNFs but also other pragmatic aspects such as interoperability with the current environment (not clean slate). We also highlight the remaining missing-link technologies revealed by the goal-oriented approach.
Adversarial Machine Learning Security Problems for 6G: mmWave Beam Prediction Use-Case. 2021 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom). :1–6.
2021. 6G is the next generation for the communication systems. In recent years, machine learning algorithms have been applied widely in various fields such as health, transportation, and the autonomous car. The predictive algorithms will be used in 6G problems. With the rapid developments of deep learning techniques, it is critical to take the security concern into account when applying the algorithms. While machine learning offers significant advantages for 6G, AI models’ security is normally ignored. Due to the many applications in the real world, security is a vital part of the algorithms. This paper proposes a mitigation method for adversarial attacks against proposed 6G machine learning models for the millimeter-wave (mmWave) beam prediction using adversarial learning. The main idea behind adversarial attacks against machine learning models is to produce faulty results by manipulating trained deep learning models for 6G applications for mmWave beam prediction. We also present the adversarial learning mitigation method’s performance for 6G security in millimeter-wave beam prediction application with fast gradient sign method attack. The mean square errors of the defended model under attack are very close to the undefended model without attack.
Distributed AI-based Security for Massive Numbers of Network Slices in 5G amp; Beyond Mobile Systems. 2021 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications 6G Summit (EuCNC/6G Summit). :401—406.
2021. The envisioned massive deployment of network slices in 5G and beyond mobile systems makes the shift towards zero-touch, scalable and secure slice lifecycle management a necessity. This is to harvest the benefits of network slicing in enabling profitable services. These benefits will not be attained without ensuring a high level security of the created network slices and the underlying infrastructure, above all in a zero-touch automated fashion. In this vein, this paper presents the architecture of an innovative network slicing security orchestration framework, being developed within the EU H2020 MonB5G project. The framework leverages the potential of Security as a Service (SECaaS) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to foster fully-distributed, autonomic and fine-grained management of network slicing security from the node level to the end-to-end and inter-slice levels.
Trust, Security and Privacy through Remote Attestation in 5G and 6G Systems. 2021 IEEE 4th 5G World Forum (5GWF). :368–373.
2021. Digitalisation of domains such as medical and railway utilising cloud and networking technologies such as 5G and forthcoming 6G systems presents additional security challenges. The establishment of the identity, integrity and provenance of devices, services and other functional components removed a number of attack vectors and addresses a number of so called zero-trust security requirements. The addition of trusted hardware, such as TPM, and related remote attestation integrated with the networking and cloud infrastructure will be necessary requirement.
A Novel Optimization Scheme for the Beamforming Method Selection in Artificial-Noise-Aid MU-MISOME Broadcast Secure Communication System. 2020 International Symposium on Computer Engineering and Intelligent Communications (ISCEIC). :175–179.
2020. This article investigates the beamforming method selection in artificial-noise-aid (AN-aid) multiuser multiple-input-single-output (MU-MISO) broadcast wiretap systems in slow fading channel environment. We adopt beamforming pre-coding matrix with artificial noise to achieve secure multiuser communication and optimize system performance, and compare the secure transmission performance of two beamforming methods. To overcome the complexity of this model, a novel optimization scheme expressed using semi-closed-form expressions and Monte Carlo method is employed to derive the relationship between transmission parameters and secure transmission performance. This scheme would help us to analyses performance of different beamforming methods.
Vision, Requirements and Challenges of Sixth Generation (6G) Networks. 2020 6th Iranian Conference on Signal Processing and Intelligent Systems (ICSPIS). :1–4.
2020. The use of wireless connectivity has increased exponentially in recent years. Fifth generation (5G) communications will soon be deployed worldwide. Six-generation (6G) communications vision and planning have begun, and the use of 6G communications is expected to begin in the 2030s. The 6G system has higher capacity, higher data rates, lower latency, higher security and better quality of service (QoS) compared to the 5G system. This paper presents a brief overview on the vision and requirements of 6G wireless communications and networks. Finally, some of the challenges in launching the 6G are also explained.