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Web Controlled Raspberry Pi Robot Surveillance. 2021 International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET). :1—5.
2021. Security is a major thing to focus on during this modern era as it is very important to secure your surroundings for the well being of oneself and his family, But there are many drawbacks of using conventional security surveillance cameras as they have to be set in a particular angle for good visual and they do not cover a large area, conventional security cameras can only be used from a particular device and cannot alert the user during an unforeseen circumstance. Hence we require a much more efficient device for better security a web controlled surveillance robot is much more practical device to be used compared to conventional security surveillance, this system needs a single camera to perform its operation and the user can monitor a wide range of area, any device with a wireless connection to the internet can be used to operate this device. This robot can move to any location within the range of the network and can be accessed globally from anywhere and as it uses only one camera to secure a large area it is also cost-efficient. At the core of the system lies Raspberry-pi which is responsible for all the operation of the system and the size of the device can be engineered according to the area it is to be used.