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Sarapan, Waranyu, Boonrakchat, Nonthakorn, Paudel, Ashok, Booraksa, Terapong, Boonraksa, Promphak, Marungsri, Boonruang.  2022.  Optimal Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading by Applying Blockchain to Islanded Microgrid Considering V2G. 2022 19th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON). :1–4.
Energy trading in small groups or microgrids is interesting to study. The energy market may overgrow in the future, so accessing the energy market by small prosumers may not be difficult anymore. This paper has modeled a decentralized P2P energy trading and exchange system in a microgrid group. The Islanded microgrid system is simulated to create a small energy producer and consumer trading situation. The simulation results show the increasing energy transactions and profit when including V2G as an energy storage device. In addition, blockchain is used for system security because a peer-to-peer marketplace has no intermediary control.
Boni, Mounika, Ch, Tharakeswari, Alamanda, Swathi, Arasada, Bhaskara Venkata Sai Gayath, Maria, Azees.  2022.  An Efficient and Secure Anonymous Authentication Scheme for V2G Networks. 2022 6th International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS). :432—436.

The vehicle-to-grid (V2G) network has a clear advantage in terms of economic benefits, and it has grabbed the interest of powergrid and electric vehicle (EV) consumers. Many V2G techniques, at present, for example, use bilinear pairing to execute the authentication scheme, which results in significant computational costs. Furthermore, in the existing V2G techniques, the system master key is issued independently by the third parties, it is vulnerable to leaking if the third party is compromised by an attacker. This paper presents an efficient and secure anonymous authentication scheme for V2G networks to overcome this issue we use a lightweight authentication system for electric vehicles and smart grids. In the proposed technique, the keys are generated by the trusted authority after the successful registration of EVs in the trusted authority and the dispatching center. The suggested scheme not only enhances the verification performance of V2G networks and also protects against inbuilt hackers.

Belkaaloul, Abdallah, Bensaber, Boucif Amar.  2021.  Anonymous Authentication Protocol for Efficient Communications in Vehicle to Grid Networks. 2021 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). :1–5.
Rapid multiplication of electric vehicles requires the implementation of a new infrastructure to sustain their operations. For instance, charging these vehicles batteries necessitates a connection that allows information exchanges between vehicle and infrastructure. These exchanges are managed by a network called V2G (Vehicle to Grid), which is governed by the ISO 15118 standard. This last recommends the use of X.509 hierarchical PKI to protect the network communications against attacks. Although several authors have identified and criticized the shortcomings of this proposal, but no one provides a robust and effective remedial solution to alleviate them. This paper proposes an efficient protocol that addresses these shortcomings while respecting the concepts of the ISO 15118 standard. It fulfills the most important security requirements i.e. confidentiality, anonymity, integrity and non-repudiation. The validity and effectiveness of the proposed protocol were confirmed using the formal modeling tool Tamarin Prover and the RISE- V2G simulator.