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Maklachkova, V. V., Dokuchaev, V. A., Statev, V. Y..  2020.  Risks Identification in the Exploitation of a Geographically Distributed Cloud Infrastructure for Storing Personal Data. 2020 International Conference on Engineering Management of Communication and Technology (EMCTECH). :1—6.

Throughout the life cycle of any technical project, the enterprise needs to assess the risks associated with its development, commissioning, operation and decommissioning. This article defines the task of researching risks in relation to the operation of a data storage subsystem in the cloud infrastructure of a geographically distributed company and the tools that are required for this. Analysts point out that, compared to 2018, in 2019 there were 3.5 times more cases of confidential information leaks from storages on unprotected (freely accessible due to incorrect configuration) servers in cloud services. The total number of compromised personal data and payment information records increased 5.4 times compared to 2018 and amounted to more than 8.35 billion records. Moreover, the share of leaks of payment information has decreased, but the percentage of leaks of personal data has grown and accounts for almost 90% of all leaks from cloud storage. On average, each unsecured service identified resulted in 33.7 million personal data records being leaked. Leaks are mainly related to misconfiguration of services and stored resources, as well as human factors. These impacts can be minimized by improving the skills of cloud storage administrators and regularly auditing storage. Despite its seeming insecurity, the cloud is a reliable way of storing data. At the same time, leaks are still occurring. According to Kaspersky Lab, every tenth (11%) data leak from the cloud became possible due to the actions of the provider, while a third of all cyber incidents in the cloud (31% in Russia and 33% in the world) were due to gullibility company employees caught up in social engineering techniques. Minimizing the risks associated with the storage of personal data is one of the main tasks when operating a company's cloud infrastructure.

Lakhdhar, Y., Rekhis, S., Sabir, E..  2020.  A Game Theoretic Approach For Deploying Forensic Ready Systems. 2020 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM). :1–6.
Cyber incidents are occurring every day using various attack strategies. Deploying security solutions with strong configurations will reduce the attack surface and improve the forensic readiness, but will increase the security overhead and cost. In contrast, using moderate or low security configurations will reduce that overhead, but will inevitably decrease the investigation readiness. To avoid the use of cost-prohibitive approaches in developing forensic-ready systems, we present in this paper a game theoretic approach for deploying an investigation-ready infrastructure. The proposed game is a non-cooperative two-player game between an adaptive cyber defender that uses a cognitive security solution to increase the investigation readiness and reduce the attackers' untraceability, and a cyber attacker that wants to execute non-provable attacks with a low cost. The cognitive security solution takes its strategic decision, mainly based on its ability to make forensic experts able to differentiate between provable identifiable, provable non-identifiable, and non-provable attack scenarios, starting from the expected evidences to be generated. We study the behavior of the two strategic players, looking for a mixed Nash equilibrium during competition and computing the probabilities of attacking and defending. A simulation is conducted to prove the efficiency of the proposed model in terms of the mean percentage of gained security cost, the number of stepping stones that an attacker creates and the rate of defender false decisions compared to two different approaches.
Zhang, X., Chandramouli, K., Gabrijelcic, D., Zahariadis, T., Giunta, G..  2020.  Physical Security Detectors for Critical Infrastructures Against New-Age Threat of Drones and Human Intrusion. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Expo Workshops (ICMEW). :1—4.

Modern critical infrastructures are increasingly turning into distributed, complex Cyber-Physical systems that need proactive protection and fast restoration to mitigate physical or cyber incidents or attacks. Addressing the need for early stage threat detection against physical intrusion, the paper presents two physical security sensors developed within the DEFENDER project for detecting the intrusion of drones and humans using video analytics. The continuous stream of media data obtained from the region of vulnerability and proximity is processed using Region based Fully Connected Neural Network deep-learning model. The novelty of the pro-posed system relies in the processing of multi-threaded media input streams for achieving real-time threat identification. The video analytics solution has been validated using NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 for drone detection and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Max-Q Design for detecting human intruders. The experimental test bed for the validation of the proposed system has been constructed to include environments and situations that are commonly faced by critical infrastructure operators such as the area of protection, tradeoff between angle of coverage against distance of coverage.

McBride, Marci, Mitchell, Robert.  2018.  Enhanced dynamic cyber zone defense. 2018 IEEE 8th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC). :66–71.
Information security is a top priority in government and industry because high consequence cyber incidents continue with regularity. The blue teamers that protect cyber systems cannot stop or even know about all these incidents, so they must take measures to tolerate these incursions in addition to preventing and detecting them. We propose dynamically compartmentalizing subject networks into collaboration zones and limiting the communication between these zones. In this article, we demonstrate this technique's effect on the attacker and the defender for various parameter settings using discrete-time simulation. Based on our results, we conclude that dynamic cyber zone defense is a viable intrusion tolerance technique and should be considered for technology transfer.
Brezhniev, Yevhen.  2019.  Multilevel Fuzzy Logic-Based Approach for Critical Energy Infrastructure’s Cyber Resilience Assessment. 2019 10th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies (DESSERT). :213–217.
This paper presents approach for critical energy infrastructure's (CEI) cyber resilience assessment. The CEI is the vital physical system of systems, whose accidents and failures lead to damage of economy, environment, impact on health and lives of people. The analysis of cyber incidents with Ukrainian CEI confirms the importance of the task of increasing its cyber resilience to external hostile influences and keeping of the appropriate level of functionality, safety and reliability. This paper is devoted to development of approach for CEI's cyber resilience assessment considering the important capacities of its systems (adaptivity, restoration, absorbability, preventive) and interdependencies between them. This approach is based on application of multilevel fuzzy logic models (called as logic-linguistic models, LLM) taking into consideration the data available from expert's knowledge. The comparison between risk management and resilience assurance is performed. The new risk-oriented definition of resiliency is suggested.
Onwubiko, Cyril, Onwubiko, Austine.  2019.  Cyber KPI for Return on Security Investment. 2019 International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics And Assessment (Cyber SA). :1–8.

Cyber security return on investment (RoI) or return on security investment (RoSI) is extremely challenging to measure. This is partly because it is difficult to measure the actual cost of a cyber security incident or cyber security proceeds. This is further complicated by the fact that there are no consensus metrics that every organisation agrees to, and even among cyber subject matter experts, there are no set of agreed parameters or metric upon which cyber security benefits or rewards can be assessed against. One approach to demonstrating return on security investment is by producing cyber security reports of certain key performance indicators (KPI) and metrics, such as number of cyber incidents detected, number of cyber-attacks or terrorist attacks that were foiled, or ongoing monitoring capabilities. These are some of the demonstratable and empirical metrics that could be used to measure RoSI. In this abstract paper, we investigate some of the cyber KPIs and metrics to be considered for cyber dashboard and reporting for RoSI.

Kornmaier, A., Jaouen, F..  2014.  Beyond technical data - a more comprehensive situational awareness fed by available intelligence information. Cyber Conflict (CyCon 2014), 2014 6th International Conference On. :139-154.

Information on cyber incidents and threats are currently collected and processed with a strong technical focus. Threat and vulnerability information alone are not a solid base for effective, affordable or actionable security advice for decision makers. They need more than a small technical cut of a bigger situational picture to combat and not only to mitigate the cyber threat. We first give a short overview over the related work that can be found in the literature. We found that the approaches mostly analysed “what” has been done, instead of looking more generically beyond the technical aspects for the tactics, techniques and procedures to identify the “how” it was done, by whom and why. We examine then, what information categories and data already exist to answer the question for an adversary's capabilities and objectives. As traditional intelligence tries to serve a better understanding of adversaries' capabilities, actions, and intent, the same is feasible in the cyber space with cyber intelligence. Thus, we identify information sources in the military and civil environment, before we propose to link that traditional information with the technical data for a better situational picture. We give examples of information that can be collected from traditional intelligence for correlation with technical data. Thus, the same intelligence operational picture for the cyber sphere could be developed like the one that is traditionally fed from conventional intelligence disciplines. Finally we propose a way of including intelligence processing in cyber analysis. We finally outline requirements that are key for a successful exchange of information and intelligence between military/civil information providers.